CodeGym/Курсове/Java Multithreading/Практикувайте използването на StringBuilder и StringBuffe...

Практикувайте използването на StringBuilder и StringBuffer

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Практикувайте използването на StringBuilder и StringBuffer - 1

„Здрасти, Амиго!“

"Здравей, Диего. Знаеш ли Howво, реших, че всичко, което правиш, е за мое добро."

„Благодаря за задачите. С удоволствие ще ги изпълня.“

Java Multithreading,  нивоурок
Inverted words
In the main method, read the name of a file that contains words separated by spaces from the console. In the text of the file, find all pairs of words that are mirror images of each other. Add them to result. Use StringBuilder. The file encoding is UTF-8.
Java Multithreading,  нивоурок
Build a WHERE query
Build part of a WHERE query using StringBuilder. If a parameter is null, then it shouldn't be included in the query. Example: {name=Johnson, country=United States, city=Los Angeles, age=null} Result: name = 'Johnson' and country = 'United States' and city = 'Los Angeles'
Java Multithreading,  нивоурок
Make a word chain
In the main method, read the name of a file that contains words separated by spaces from the console. In the getLine method, use StringBuilder to order all the words as follows: the last letter of a word must match the first letter of the next word (ignore case). Each word should be used once.
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