"Well, hello, Amigo! I trust you understood everything that Ellie and Rishi told you today."

"But even if you do, repeating and reinforcing class material never hurt anybody. These activities usually not only solidify your knowledge, but also expand your awareness!"

"But I'm getting carried away. Forget about what I just said. Instead, here are a few useful links that will help you to dive deeper into and review the material from the third level. They may even help you understand something that you didn't before."

Reading from the keyboard with readers

"This topic isn't that complicated, but it can be muddy. Beginners often find it confusing due to the abundance of incomprehensible words. If you misunderstood something or want to reinforce your knowledge, read this article. It'll give a little boost to your understanding of reading from the keyboard. For example, by improving your understanding of what a stream is."

Scanner class

"This class makes the life of Java developers (who can be confused by readers) somewhat easier. It knows how to do a lot, and you've probably already used it a couple of times. If not, read this article about the Scanner class and give it a try. For a change."

Escaping characters

"You'll gradually remember how to escape characters, even if you currently think the process has too many rules. So it doesn't hurt to read something on the topic. For example, here's a useful article: Escaping characters. Bookmark it and peek at it occasionally until you don't need to anymore!"

"And I recommend a very, very useful book: 'Thinking in Java'... It's usually recommended to programmers a little less green than you. But it's so good that it wouldn't hurt to check it out. Start slowly. If it's unclear, set it aside and re-read through a few levels. EVERY Java programmer should read it."

"Begin with the first chapter: 'Introduction to Objects'. If you understand what's in there, you'll make me so proud!"

New Java Syntax, level 3, lesson 10
Labels and numbers
Use the keyboard to enter an integer. Display a string description as follows: "Negative even number" - if the number is negative and even, "Negative odd number" - if the number is negative and odd, "Zero" - if the number is 0, "Positive even number" - if the number is positive and even, "Positive o
New Java Syntax, level 3, lesson 10
Describing numbers
Enter an integer from the keyboard in the range 1 - 999. Display a string description as follows: "even single-digit number" - if the number is even and has one digit, "odd single-digit number" - if the number is odd and has one digit, "even two-digit number" - if the number is even and has two digi
New Java Syntax, level 3, lesson 10
Positive number
Use the keyboard to enter three integers. Display the number of positive numbers in the original set. Here are some examples: a) if you enter the numbers -4 6 6 then we display 2 b) if you enter the numbers -6 -6 -3 then we display 0 c) if you enter the numbers 0 1 2 then we display 2
New Java Syntax, level 3, lesson 10
Positive and negative numbers
Use the keyboard to enter three integers. Display the number of positive and negative numbers in the original set in the following form: "Number of negative numbers: a", "Number of positive numbers: b", where a and b are the relevant values. Examples: a) if you enter the numbers: 2 5 6 then we displ