Anyone who has completed the courses and now works in the field recently attest to how these courses keep up with the ever changing updates in tech?
thanks in advance for your response,
an inspiring java dev
Shaun Wetzel
Level 0
Codegym courses relavence in todays java dev work
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14 December 2020, 04:03
Hey Shaun,
Valid question. I see you asked this question a while back and hope that you are still working at your goals. I have worked on Java dev, devops teams and as a application analyst building custom servers/servlets for Java dev teams. I state this so you know that I have worked in the industry.
I am here catching back up in the Java world as I have been doing more work on the networking side (pen testing and security stuff.) From what I have seen on here so far I would say yes. The topics covered here on Codegym are your basic fundamentals of the Java language. You can not go wrong learning the fundamentals, in fact it would be a bit of a struggle to move forward without them.
You will always see new frameworks and such in the industry but your base is what will allow you to grow with the language. This is just my view, but I hope it helps you on your thought process. Feel free to contact me on here if you like. ( and of course that goes for anyone else who stumbles upon this possibly dead thread.)