I am wondering if there is a way to view other answer suggestions once you have completed a certain task. When i finish certain tasks it tells me i did better than xx.xx% of other users. Especially when i get low percentages i would like to see how other people have solved them. Think it would be usefull to increase code efficiency
Any way to view other answers?
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Alex Vypirailenko Java Developer at Toshiba Global Comme
28 September 2019, 06:28
There is no way to view alternative solutions at the moment, unfortunately.
3 July 2020, 13:06
please tell what the validation algorithms checks, e.g. time of execution, no of attempts...?
Alex Vypirailenko Java Developer at Toshiba Global Comme
5 July 2020, 05:25
No. of attempts does not matter. We cannot provide any more in-depth information on the validator, unfortunately.