Hi! My name is Sebastian and im 24 years old. Im going to start my adventure with programming - but im afraid, that im too old(?) i was in IT School for 4 years, then i moved to something different on college, that was accounting - but its not for me. I feel, that i can be great programist, but looking for your opinions guys! Do you think, that with codegym i can learn much? I need some tips for starting programming with java, im kinda new and lost :( Maybe you have some tips for me? I would be really appreciate! Anyway, have a nice weekend guys <3
Future, work - life
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Justin Smith
4 October 2021, 14:48
I'm pretty sure there are people in their 50s just starting their first programming jobs. A lot of people settle for poor quality jobs for decades and then decide they've had enough, they want something better. It's never too late.
27 September 2021, 12:33
lmao he's 24 and feels to old.... 😂.. bro.. i'm 31 and just finished codegym with no experience, looking forward to finding a job soon. start studying and stop thinking too much.
18 September 2021, 09:15
you are definitely not too old, I know quite a few people that started in their mid/late 20's and putting the right effort they landed great dev jobs, in this field of work in 2/3 years working in it you are already able to get a really good job.
codegym is a great plataform because it gets you to practice and repeat a lot, even if it looks silly, there's no better way to really get it stuck to your mind than repetition. i see some people complaining here of the order of how they teach some concepts, but honestly regardless of where or how you learn, you will always feel like some things could have been taught earlier than other things, and i wouldn'tworry too much about it. what matters is that here you practice a lot and in this easy going gaming manner that makes it easy to stick to it.
anyhow, always try to diversify your learning, they suggest in the course great books you should definitely read while you advance here in your own pace, and from time to time try different platforms to get a different approach to some concepts you will most certainly feel unsure while learning here, as everyone struggles with some concepts and it's normal, sometimes for those specific concepts you need a different approach and suddenly it will be very easy to understand :-)
and last but not least, when you start applying for jobs, it's always good to check books/courses on specifically interview technical tests, as these can be tricky when you have to code in front of an interviewer and it's a totally different learning process than just regular coding!
best of luck!