Hi, I noticed that my IntelliJ software is very slow and hangs usually after completing 2 or more exercises. Its frustrating. Any ideas on what to do?
IntelliJ is very slow
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Alex Vypirailenko Java Developer at Toshiba Global Comme
28 September 2019, 06:24
It could also be the internet connection, as our plugin requires a decent and stable internet connection.
Regina Support Team at CodeGym
24 September 2019, 14:51
These are the requirements your hardware should meet to avoid the difficulties while working in IJ IDEA:
Ovo Leslie
25 September 2019, 15:46
I'm using windows 8, 64 bit and 4 Gig RAM
Also the issue started about 3 weeks ago. Before then it was working fine
Regina Support Team at CodeGym
26 September 2019, 09:16
Perhaps, you've installed other software, which influences on the proper work of other programs. Please describe your case more thoroughly to support@codegym.cc with the screenshots attached.