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Artem Divertitto
Design Patterns in Java
13 January 2025 12:47
Java Singleton Class
Hi! Today we'll dive into the details of various design patterns, starting with the singleton pattern. Let's review: what do we know about design patterns in general? Design patterns are best practices that we can apply to solve a number of known problems...
Jesse Haniel
Java Collections
13 January 2025 11:36
Java Priority Queue: not a classical queue
In this article we learn a priority queue, Java class, that implements Queue interface. What does a programmer know of regular Queue Interface? First of all, this interface is based on the FIFO principle or “first in first out”. That reminds a regular queue in its common meaning. You want to get coffee from McDrive?
John Selawsky
Statements in Java
12 January 2025 14:09
IF ELSE Java Statements
An if else statement in Java is a conditional statement. Java uses conditions just like mathematics, allowing comparisons that yield Boolean results. So you can test inputs to see how they compare to a static set of values that you specify. Because the result is Boolean, there are only two possible results...
Oleksandr Miadelets
Java Collections
12 January 2025 14:06
Java Queue Interface and implementations
Here we are going to discuss the Java Queue interface. You’ll find out what Queue data structure is, how it is represented in Java, what methods are the most important for all queues. Also, what implementations of Queue are in Java language. After that, we take a closer look at the most important...
Artem Divertitto
Java Collections
11 January 2025 9:22
ArrayList to Array Conversion in Java
Arrays are an extension of the Container class in Java and can be useful as a way to temporarily hold a set of primitive data types when the quantity of data is specifically known. But Arrays are static when created, which means that when you create one, you cannot change the number of items it holds...
Oleksandr Miadelets
Java Collections
11 January 2025 8:54
Java Iterator
Imagine that you go to the library, and you want to find a particular book. How do you do it? If it’s non-fiction, there’s the Dewey Decimal System. If it’s fiction, they’re sorted in alphabetical order by their last name. Whatever you’re looking for, at some point, you have to go through the books one at a time until you...
Jesse Haniel
Keywords in Java
10 January 2025 10:23
Java This Keyword
On CodeGym, students are introduced to the this keyword literally from the first lessons. Over time, its meaning becomes clear. But looking back, many people probably admit to themselves that for a long time they couldn't understand the Zen of this keyword. This article will pull back the curtain covering the secrets...
Oleksandr Miadelets
Java Numbers
10 January 2025 8:25
BigDecimal in Java
Hi! In today's lesson, we'll talk about large numbers. No, I mean REALLY BIG. We have previously repeatedly encountered the table of value ranges for primitive data types. It looks like this...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Generics
9 January 2025 13:58
Generics in Java
Hi! We're going to talk about generics. I must say that you will learn a lot! Not only this lesson, but also the next few lessons, will be devoted to generics. So, if you're interested in generics, today's you're lucky day: you will learn a lot about the features of generics. And if not, resign yourself and relax...
John Selawsky
Java Algorithms
9 January 2025 9:00
Bubble Sort Java
In this article the bubble sort algorithm is described. It is the easiest sorting algorithm to learn, so every software developer knows it. This algorithm is usually used for learning purposes or you may get it as a task in your Java Junior Interview. Bubble sort algorithm is very easy to understand, however it is not...
Artem Divertitto
Java Classes
8 January 2025 16:19
Java Comparator and Comparable
Hi! Today we're going to talk about comparing objects. Hmm... But haven't we already talked this topic more than once? :/ We know how the == operator works, as well as the equals() and hashCode() methods. Comparison is a little different. Previously, we most likely meant "checking objects for equality"...
Milan Vucic
Statements in Java
8 January 2025 9:42
Java Switch Statement
Imagine that you're a knight stopped at a fork in the road. If you go left, you will lose your horse. If you go right, you will gain knowledge. How would we represent this situation in code? You probably already know that we use constructs like if-then and if-then-else to make these decisions...
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