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Alex Vypirailenko
Java Exceptions
11 August 2022 14:50
Exceptions in Java
Everyday life is full of situations that we don't anticipate. For example, you get up for work in the morning and look for your phone charger, but you can't find it anywhere. You go to the bathroom to shower only to discover that the pipes are frozen. You get in your car, but it won't start...
Jesse Haniel
OOP Java
11 August 2022 9:52
Java Polymorphism
OOP-related questions are an integral part of the technical interview for a Java developer position in an IT company. In this article, we will talk about one principle of OOP – polymorphism. We'll focus on the aspects that are often asked about during interviews, and also give a few examples for clarity...
Milan Vucic
Statements in Java
11 August 2022 8:42
Java switch Statement
Imagine that you're a knight stopped at a fork in the road. If you go left, you will lose your horse. If you go right, you will gain knowledge. How would we represent this situation in code? You probably already know that we use constructs like if-then and if-then-else to make these decisions...
Vasyl Malik
Java IO & NIO
11 August 2022 8:12
Java PrintStream Class
Hi! Today we'll talk about the PrintStream class and everything it can do. Actually, you are already familiar with two methods of the PrintStream class. They are print() and println(), which you probably use every day :) Because the System.out variable is a PrintStream object, you are calling one of this class's methods...
Milan Vucic
OOP Java
10 August 2022 16:52
Polymorphism in Java
Hi! Today we conclude a series of lessons on the principles of OOP. In this lesson, we'll talk about polymorphism. Polymorphism is the ability to work with several types as if they were the same type. Moreover, the objects' behavior will be different depending on their type ...
10 August 2022 14:26
IT News Digest #27: Elon Musk sells nearly 8 million Tesla shares, The US invests $280bn in high tech to compete with China, GitHub Projects Now Generally Available
Last week in the news: Amazon to buy the company behind the Roomba in a $1.7 billion deal; hackers might have figured out your secret Twitter accounts.
Lucy Oleschuk
9 August 2022 13:13
Why Do Developers Suffer from Burnout? Complete Guide to Burnout in Tech
That's how people usually imagine every new working day of a developer – the cup of fresh coffee and a new exciting project ahead. Pleasure and fulfillment… Yet, one opposite feeling can trap IT specialists...
Jesse Haniel
Java Collections
9 August 2022 9:47
Java Set
Set is an interface in the Java Collection Framework. You can use Java Set to implement unordered collections with unique elements. In this article, we are going to look at this interface and its implementations...
Oleksandr Miadelets
Multithreading in Java
9 August 2022 8:54
Multithreading in Java
Hi! First of all, congratulations: you've reached the topic of 'Multithreading'! This is a serious achievement — you've come a long way. But prepare yourself: this is one of the most difficult topics in the course. And it's not that we're using complex classes or lots of methods here...
Jesse Haniel
Inheritance in Java
9 August 2022 8:25
Java instanceof Operator
Hi! Today we'll talk about the instanceof operator, consider examples of how it is used, and touch on some aspects of how it works:) You've already encountered this operator on early levels of CodeGym. Do you remember why we need it? If not, no worries. Let's remember together...
Milan Vucic
Java Collections
8 August 2022 12:15
Java Stack
Stack in Java usually means the class from Collection Framework that implements the List interface. It works on the principle of the Stack data structure, which is used to organize one of the types of memory. Also it could be the part of memory to keep data, In this article we will...
Milan Vucic
OOP Java
8 August 2022 9:15
Encapsulation in Java
Hi! We'll devote today's lesson to Encapsulation in Java and begin with examples right out of the gate:) Here you have an ordinary soda dispensing machine. I've got one question for you: how does it work? Try to give a detailed answer: Where does the soda come from? How is the internal temperature maintained?
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