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Vasyl Malik
Strings in Java
10 June 2021 8:47
Java toUpperCase() Method
What is toUpperCase() Method? “The toUpperCase() method in Java returns the input content in ALL CAPS.” Java provides you with a simple, easy to use and quite helpful function to convert any text, characters or strings in ALL-CAPS. There are a lot of times...
Professor Hans Noodles
9 June 2021 11:06
CodeGym team news: plugin update
Hi everyone! Today we’ve released the new version of our plugin, and here’s a piece of helpful information about it. If you use IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 there might be some issues with updating our plugin. We advise you to open the “Downloads” tab in your profile, click on “Download the IntelliJ IDEA plugin”...
John Selawsky
Java Types
8 June 2021 5:14
Java Byte Keyword
What is a “byte”? 8 bits (bit is the smallest unit of data containing at most 2 logical states, normally 0 and 1) combine to make a single unit of addressable memory, called a “Byte”. Here’s a theoretical representation of what a byte normally looks like...
Learning Java
8 June 2021 5:02
How Long Does It Take to Learn Java? New Study by CodeGym
Being one of the largest online Java programming courses with over 0.5 mln registered users, we at CodeGym are dedicated to helping all our students to get the maximum benefit out of learning on our platform. And even though the CodeGym course was designed to be as engaging and fun...
OOP Java
3 June 2021 12:19
What is AOP? Principles of aspect-oriented programming
Hi, guys and gals! Without understanding the basic concepts, it is quite difficult to delve into frameworks and approaches to building functionality. So today we will talk about one such concept — AOP, aka aspect-oriented programming. This topic isn't easy and is rarely used directly, but many...
31 May 2021 13:59
Is Coding Easier Today Than It Was 10-15 Years Ago? Tools and Techniques That Made It Happen
As the technology industry is racing forward and requires increasingly larger numbers of qualified software developers, this profession also gets more accessible for everyone who wants to learn programming and enjoy the benefits...
Pavlo Plynko
Core Java
26 May 2021 11:36
Import Java Packages
What is a Package in Java? “A group of related classes, can be put together to form a package in Java.” In simple words, we can understand a package as a group of classes performing functions that are in harmony / related or aligned with each other...
26 May 2021 7:51
Learning From the Mistakes of Others. Five Biggest Startup Failures of 2020
As they say, it's a poor soldier that never wants to become a general. Many professional software developers see themselves founding a tech startup one day that will become a big success, making them rich and powerful...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Math
25 May 2021 9:16
Java Math.min() method
How to find min() of two numbers in Java? Java provides a system library known as “java.lang.Math” for extensive handy operations. From trigonometry to logarithmic functions, you can find min/max or even absolute of a number using the methods provided by this library due to its diverse functionalities...
Learning Java
25 May 2021 7:19
Who and Why Is Learning Java Online. A Typical CodeGym Student Profile
As online education is getting more accessible and the demand for tech skills on the job market is increasingly growing, more and more people around the globe are using online learning courses such as CodeGym to master...
19 May 2021 10:44
More Jobs and Less Pressure. Why It Might Be a Good Idea to Start Your Career in a Non-IT Company
It is a common opinion in the tech industry that for a Junior developer, finding a job and getting first several years of experience as a full-time developer often is a challenge. And it is mostly true. If we are talking about companies in the tech...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Numbers
18 May 2021 13:54
Java Convert Double to String
The primitive data type “double” in Java is used to store decimal numbers with a higher level of precision of upto 15 digits. While “float” provides 6-7 digits of precision, “double” is more widely used for higher precision of calculations and measurements...
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