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16 November 2020 10:21
How to Create an Effective Study Plan. 8 Steps for Java Learners
On CodeGym, we are true believers in the online learning model and advocate for it every time we can. Because online education really has lots of obvious advantagess, such as low costs, flexibility, using more effective ways to present information...
15 November 2020 22:24
Project ideas
Few project ideas to add into your Git to level up your skills & portfolio! Coming up with project ideas can be sometimes really hard task especially for beginner who still don't exactly know what they are capable of doing, so they pick up too easy projects, which don't give...
Alex Yedamenko
Success Stories
12 November 2020 7:25
Retraining on steroids
Two years and three months have passed since I signed up for this course and wrote HelloWorld. I should have written this article and paid tribute to this wonderful resource long ago, but somehow the fast pace of life stopped me. But now "thanks" to the covid...
11 November 2020 6:53
Industry is Overcrowded with Bad Java Coders. Why is the Demand for Java Devs in 2020 Still Increasing?
Today the total number of Java developers globally is over 7 mln (based on different estimates, there are 6.8-8 mln Java coders in the world), which is quite a large number....
Roman B.
5 November 2020 8:47
A match made in heaven: Git and IntelliJ IDEA
Today's article is the logical extension of my article on Git. In the article about Git, I described how to work with Git on the command line. Today I will show you how to do it all in IntelliJ IDEA. At the beginning of my journey as a developer, I used the command line and thought...
Alexey Yelenevych
4 November 2020 7:13
World’s Worst Tech Employers. What Companies You Don’t Want to Work For?
Recently we have started a series of articles on the best tech companies to work for in different countries. So far, we covered the best tech employers in the U.S., the UK...
27 October 2020 9:22
Are you a student? Tell your professor about CodeGym and study one year for free
Students are welcome to learn at CodeGym for free! If you’re a college or university student, you can tell your professor about our Educational campaign and get a whole year of practicing in groups at CodeGym for free.
Pavlo Plynko
26 October 2020 9:16
Top 150 Most Frequently Asked Job Interview Questions for Java Devs
At CodeGym, we keep saying that learning Java from scratch and getting a job as a software developer is easy. Relatively speaking of course, and if you are leveraging all the beautiful abilities of such a powerful learning platform as CG...
Roman B.
Java Developer
22 October 2020 6:27
Security in Java: best practices
One of the most important metrics in server applications is security. This is a type of non-functional requirement. Security includes many components. Of course, it would take more than one article to fully cover all known security principles and security measures, so we'll dwell on...
Volodymyr Portianko
Java Classes
20 October 2020 13:24
Constructor Chaining in Java
A constructor in Java is a specific method used in object creation of a class. The constructor is invoked every time an object of the class is created. It can be used to assign values to the properties of the object at creation time. There can be multiple constructors...
Vasyl Malik
Java Objects
20 October 2020 11:49
How to swap objects in Java?
Swapping objects is one of the most popular actions in programming. It’s particularly useful in sorting. What happens in swapping is two variables exchanging their values. In this article, we learn how to swap objects in Java in two different cases. One is swapping...
Volodymyr Portianko
Strings in Java
15 October 2020 13:05
Append() Method in Java: StringBuilder and StringBuffer
append() is a Java method of StringBuilder and StringBuffer classes that appends some value to a current sequence. Even if you didn't know what the append () method is, you probably already used it implicitly. This happened when you concatenated...
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