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Aditi Nawghare
Serialization in Java
11 March 2020 13:21
What is the difference between serialization and deserialization in Java?
Hi! In today's lesson, we talk about serialization and deserialization in Java. We'll start with a simple example. Let's say you've created a computer game. If you grew up in the 90s and remember the game consoles of that era, you...
Java Developer
11 March 2020 10:35
From NASA to the deserts of Africa. Government-sponsored and socially-significant projects written in Java
Today we will talk about how Java is used by government agencies and in socially-significant projects around the world. Austria is well-known for its state-of-the-art and convenient social security system, which includes excellent health...
Java Developer
11 March 2020 9:14
Junior Java developer looking for work. How to upgrade your skills and gain practical experience
When speaking of the beginning of a Java programmer's professional career, everything is often presented in a gloomy light. To beginners, it may seem that breaking into the market is incredibly difficult. No matter how many current job...
Success Stories
10 March 2020 19:38
How Java helps to run an airport and how you can help to improve life in the 21st century
If you have ever travelled by plane, there is a pretty good chance that somewhere in the background the business processes that made your journey possible were supported or enabled by some system running a program written in Java...
Stas Pasinkov
Java Developer
6 March 2020 12:42
Spring for lazy people Foundation, basic concepts, and examples with code. Part 2
I'm going to do it using IntelliJ IDEA Enterprise Edition. But all my examples should also work in the free IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. In the screenshots, if you see that I have some window that you don't have, don't worry — it's not...
Stas Pasinkov
Java Developer
6 March 2020 10:29
Spring for lazy people Foundation, basic concepts, and examples with code. Part 1
In this article, I'm not going to tell you how to get a working Spring project up and running in 5 minutes using my code. I'm only going to write the basics — things that you could be ignorant of and still create a project. But in this article, you still...
QA Automation
29 February 2020 13:06
What is a QA engineer and how do you become one?
Today a lot of people dream of finding a job in IT, because of the industry's relatively high salaries, as well as the consistent demand for IT specialists in the labor market. Most often, these dreams shatter when they run up against the need for specialized education that the dreamer has neither the time nor money...
Artem Divertitto
Statements in Java
28 February 2020 11:47
The While Statement
Our very first programs were a sequence of instructions that are executed one after another. No forks. This includes HelloWorld, which displays a greeting. It includes arithmetic calculations. After our first programs, we learned how to branch, i.e. how to make a program perform different actions...
Alex Vypirailenko
Java Collections
12 February 2020 12:44
Map Interface in Java
The Java Map interface is a part of Java Collection framework, but it is not a subtype of the Collection interface. So it behaves in a different way compared to, say, Lists, or other collection Objects. Each element of Map represents...
Andrey Gorkovenko
Java IO & NIO
28 January 2020 9:45
Java Files, Path
Hi! Today we'll talk about working with files and directories. You already know how to manage file contents: we've dedicated a lot of lessons to this :) I think you find it easy to remember a few classes used for these purposes. In today's lesson, we'll talk specifically about file management: creating, renaming, etc...
Pavlo Plynko
Java Collections
21 January 2020 12:24
Java Hashtable
Java Hashtable class is one of the oldest members of Java Collection Framework. It is an implementation of mathematical hash table data structure. In Java hashtable internally contains buckets where the key/value pairs are stored. Hashtable is pretty similar to HashMap. The most significant difference between...
Andrey Gorkovenko
Serialization in Java
21 January 2020 10:36
Java serialization formats
Hi! Let's talk about serialization. You probably remember that we've already had lessons on serialization. And so we did :) If you don't remember well how serialization works, why serialization is needed, and what tools Java has for serialization, you can run through these lessons. Today's lesson will be about...
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