- My code creates the 'list' array and reads the required 5 elements from the keyboard into the list. - It iterates 13 times through the list by adding the last list element at the beginning of the list and then removing the last element from the resulting array. - All 5 members of the resulting list are printed on a new line. The result concurs with the manual substitution process. Nevertheless, the code does not validate. Has anyone an idea, why it does not fulfill the last 2 requirements? 0: grandfather, grandmother, daughter, program, car 1: car, grandfather, grandmother, daughter, program 2: program, car, grandfather, grandmother, daughter 3: daughter, program, car, grandfather, grandmother 4: grandmother, daughter, program, car, grandfather 5: grandfather, grandmother, daughter, program, car 6: car, grandfather, grandmother, daughter, program 7: program, car, grandfather, grandmother, daughter 8: daughter, program, car, grandfather, grandmother 9: grandmother, daughter, program, car, grandfather 10: grandfather, grandmother, daughter, program, car 11: car, grandfather, grandmother, daughter, program 12: program, car, grandfather, grandmother, daughter