For some reason my InteliJ project does not import the engine class
I've tried solutions that were posted in the forum sections.
Could you maybe provide a helping hand?
thank you
Can't import com.codegym.engine class in InteliJ
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Razvan Serediuc
2 December 2020, 13:22
I've managed to fix this issue by following this
Thank you all for posting comments and trying to help me!
Ron R
27 November 2020, 02:14
I had a similar problem a couple days ago. I used this to help me:
I can confirm the suggestions works as it fixed it for me.
Razvan Serediuc
2 December 2020, 13:21
Thanks Ron.
This helped me!
Best wishes
26 November 2020, 18:45
Did you create your java file in the correct location in the class tree? It's supposed to be defined inside the minesweeper folder.
26 November 2020, 16:14
Try to do it on the browser. When completed, open the project from IntelliJ. It worked for me ;)
26 November 2020, 13:51
import com.codegym.engine.cell.Game;
Maybe try like this?
Razvan Serediuc
2 December 2020, 13:21
Thanks Andrei. I managed to fix this by following this quick guide
Best wishes