in this code.... public static class Cat { public Woman owner;
} ... a variable 'owner' is declared with Woman data type .
but i have seen var declarations as like - int rate or char name and these storing integer and character value. . .. how can we declare a variable with Woman data type and what value will it store ??
help in { public Woman owner; }
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13 February 2021, 14:14solution
declaring a varibale of the type Woman usually is done similar to
in your code example
the instance variable owner stores a reference to a Woman object. By default instance variables are initialized with null +2
Shubham Yadav
14 February 2021, 13:39
in the first code lets take -
Woman obj = new Woman();
so here ' obj ' and ' owner ' from the second code have same function !?
Both are acting as a reference to class object !?
Gellert Varga
14 February 2021, 14:29
' obj ' or 'owner' are just names of a variable.
You can give such a name to a variable what you want.
Shubham Yadav
14 February 2021, 20:32
I want to know that both are having similar function ?
, as both are acting as refernce to the object of Woman class.
Gellert Varga
14 February 2021, 20:59useful
If you need one Woman-object in your program, no matter how do you named its variable, it will do the same function.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other example:
The woman1 and bella and stella : All three of these store a reference to an object created from the Woman class. But not for the same object! These store references to three different Woman-objects. +1
Shubham Yadav
15 February 2021, 06:30
and the 'onwer' is same like wmn,bella,stella,woman1 . !?
Gellert Varga
15 February 2021, 11:04
Probably yes!
But I can only give a definite clear answer if you send me the specific program code, so if I will see the correlations in it.
Shubham Yadav
15 February 2021, 14:07
its from level 2 lesson 5
ques - pets need people
Gellert Varga
15 February 2021, 15:04
In an extreme way I like the punctuality/exactness.
Two people can extremely easy to misunderstand each other, especially if their native language is not the same. (As you and me.)
That's why I wrote a similar program here, please ask what the exact question is based on the exact names used in it! Please refers to the line of the code also, thanks.
Shubham Yadav
16 February 2021, 13:47
1.--> from line 15 the variable 'owner' is acting as ref. to object of Woman class and from line 7 and 8 the wmn and bella are also acting as ref. to object of Woman class.
So ques is that 'owner' has same functionality as that of 'wmn' and 'bella' ?
2.--> from line 10 , with kitty as ref. to object of Cat class ، the var owner has been given value of wmn. and the owner is itself a ref. to Woman(class) object.
then also a new reference wmn is assigned to it.
So here why are we doing this and what will be benefit of doing this ? I'm not able to get this .
sorry for giving u this much trouble.
Gellert Varga
16 February 2021, 15:16useful
No problem!!:)
I like to explain things - but only if i can understand the real question... (And i like (and must) to practice the English, too.)
I think now I can understand your problem, and i hope i will be able to make it clear.
Line 14:
public static class Cat {
public Woman owner;
It's just a class. It doesn't do anything in itself. It doesn't refer to any object.
This class is just a blueprint/pattern for the future Cat-objects.
This class just says this:
"If you want to create a Cat-object in the future, then each of the Cat-objects:
- will have only one own variable,
- this variable will be named: "owner",
- and the type of this variable will be "Woman"-type. (So, this variable "owner" can store only a reference to a Woman-object, nothing else.)"
Only the created Cat-objects will have the variable "owner".
This "owner" variable does not exist in itself!
But each created Cat-objects will have an own "owner" variable!
Line 18.19: this is also just a blueprint, for the future Woman-type object.
Line 4, 5: Here we created two Cat-type objects.
One of them is placed into the reference-variable "kitty",
and the other Cat-object is placed into the reference-variable "cat2".
Line 7, 8: Here we created two Woman-type object.
One of them is placed into the reference-variable "wmn",
and the other Woman-object is placed into the reference-variable "bella".
Woman wmn = new Woman(); // it means:
we declare a Woman-type wmn-named variable, and we assign to it a newly created Woman-type object.
After all of these, but still before line 10: we have two Cat-objects, both of them have an own "owner" variable, but till now we didn't give any values to them. Therefore:
Line 10: we take the one of the Cat-objects, named kitty, and we give a starter value to its "owner" variable:
we place one of the earlier created Woman-type objects, into the "owner"-variable of kitty, this way:
kitty.owner = wmn;
Shubham Yadav
17 February 2021, 14:11
I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
one last thing , I got all what happened in the code , but I don't get why all was done , so do I have to dig deeper in this to know why this was done or will I get that in upcoming chapters.?
Gellert Varga
17 February 2021, 15:45
As you progress through this CodeGym course, everything slowly becomes clearer.
In Java we work with objects.
This little program is a little tutorial on how to model reality in a program.
Shubham Yadav
19 February 2021, 15:13
thank you..