First, when adding the char to the array, why does it add +1 ?
Why is the algorithm looking to see if the char is even or odd?
package com.codegym.task.task39.task3908;
Is a palindrome possible?
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static boolean isPalindromePermutation(String s) {
boolean foundOdd = false;
int[] tableCount = new int[256];
for(char c : s.toLowerCase().toCharArray()) {
tableCount[c] += 1;
for(int count : tableCount) {
if (count % 2 != 0) {
if (foundOdd) {
return false;
foundOdd = true;
return true;
Is a palindrome possible?
Implement the isPalindromePermutation(String s) method. It should return true if you can make a palindrome from all the characters in string s. Otherwise, it should return false.
The passed string includes only ASCII characters.
Ignore the case of the letters.
1. The isPalindromePermutation method should return true if you can make a palindrome by rearranging the characters in the passed string.
2. The isPalindromePermutation method should return false if you cannot make a palindrome by rearranging the characters in the passed string.
3. The isPalindromePermutation method must be public.
4. The isPalindromePermutation method must be static.