CodeGym/Help with Java Tasks/No idea how to log itmatemate123Level 50Kraków07.10.2023418views3commentsNo idea how to log it Question about the task Adding logging to a class Java Collections, Level 4, Lesson 10 Resolved I solved task but still I don't know how to physically log information to the file? I had this error: Maybe someone know what to do because like couple times before 0 information about proper and actual library to download......... 0 Comments (3)PopularNewOld You must be signed in to leave a comment Thomas Level 41 , Bayreuth, Germany7 October 2023, 14:36solutionlog4j api and core versions don't match... I'd try a 2.0 or greater api and core +2 matemate123 Level 50 , Kraków, Poland8 October 2023, 09:46Thanks, I'll try, this library stuff is something new for me and I didn't get principles how to do it. 0 matemate123 Level 50 , Kraków, Poland8 October 2023, 12:12I need to use this method too: public static void main(String[] args) { PropertyConfigurator.configure ("C:\\Users\\Admin\\IdeaProjects\\CodeGymTasks\\4.JavaCollections" + "\\src\\com\\codegym\\task\\task34\\task3412\\"); Indicate where is my property file. Thanks Thomas! +1