I want to import my class from a parent package directory com.codegym.task.MyScanner and use my own methods askInt() and askDbl() inside the IntelliJ IDE. The Verify button will not find MyScanner when I try to import it with import codegym.task.MyScanner; inside the Solution.java class. What can I do? And yes, I reserve the right to be lazy instead of cargo-copying the block of code needed to take input...
package com.codegym.task.task04.task0418;
import com.codegym.task.MyScanner;

public class Solution {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        //write your code here
        MyScanner scanner = new MyScanner();
        int a = scanner.askInt();
        int b = scanner.askInt();
        // ...
Workaround or Kludge Info: If I right-click and copy the MyScanner class file directly into the taskXXXX\ package, the Verify button will then work. But can't I just make the class visible to the Solution class with an import statement? Is there a way to configure the Verify function to include an extra classpath?