I am unable to understand this particular task. please help me understand the same and solve it.
help in understanding the task - Implement the print method
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18 March 2020, 04:30
Hello. You can look at the prior example (above that lesson) to see an example of a while loop. Or a simpler method is to try displaying the string multiple times in that method. The second approach might be better since while loops are no introduced properly yet, but either method is great.
Guadalupe Gagnon
18 October 2019, 18:11
See my notes in the above starting code. Make it so the passed string is displayed 4 times. The letter s is a variable that stands for any string, do not display the actual letter "s" 4 times.
18 October 2019, 18:20
where in code , didn't get also this topics is not clear to me. Please help regarding same in detail
Guadalupe Gagnon
18 October 2019, 18:48
where it says
Figure out these steps:
#1 How do you output information to the screen?
#2 How do you repeat the same task a certain number of times, specifically step #1 four times. 0
18 October 2019, 19:22
unable to understand your point sir
25 October 2019, 10:47
are you able to understand it?
Jake Jacobs
25 October 2019, 13:27
https://youtu.be/4ekASokneGU watch this video, might be helpful for you
29 November 2019, 06:57
yes thanks