John Squirrels told me that I have to leave my question here, so I'm doing that: Hi. I think something is wrong in because I've tried a lot of possibilities and never failed. But when I want to verify, an apparent error happen. These are the messages: OK - The program should read a number from the keyboard. OK - The program should display text on the screen according to the task conditions. NOT OK - If the entered year is a leap year, you should display: "Number of days in the year: 366". RECOMMENDATION FROM YOUR MENTOR Check the solution with different input values, for example: 1988 OK - If the entered year is not a leap year, you should display: "Number of days in the year: 365". This is my code: package com.codegym.task.task04.task0414; /* Number of days in the year */ import*; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String sNumero = reader.readLine(); int nNumero = Integer.parseInt(sNumero); int entero1 = nNumero/4; int entero2 = nNumero/400; /* System.out.println(entero1); System.out.println(entero2); System.out.println(entero1*4); System.out.println(entero2*400); */ if (entero1*4 == nNumero && entero2*400 == nNumero ) System.out.println("Number of days in the year: " + 366); else System.out.println("Number of days in the year: " + 365);