Getting this from the validator: When the collectFileList(Path path) method receives a regular file, the method must add its path relative to rootPath to the fileList field.
As far as I can see I'm getting the relative path from the path object.
I also already have tried it the other way around but that's also not validating.
package com.codegym.task.task31.task3110;
import com.codegym.task.task31.task3110.exception.NoSuchZipFileException;
import java.io.IOException;
public class Archiver {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Operation operation = null;
do {
try {
operation = askOperation();
} catch (NoSuchZipFileException e) {
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage("You didn't select an archive or you selected an invalid file.");
} catch (Exception e) {
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage("An error occurred. Please check the entered data.");
} while (operation != Operation.EXIT);
public static Operation askOperation() throws IOException {
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage("Select an operation:");
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage(String.format("\t %d - Zip files into an archive", Operation.CREATE.ordinal()));
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage(String.format("\t %d - Add a file to an archive", Operation.ADD.ordinal()));
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage(String.format("\t %d - Remove a file from an archive", Operation.REMOVE.ordinal()));
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage(String.format("\t %d - Extract an archive", Operation.EXTRACT.ordinal()));
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage(String.format("\t %d - View the contents of an archive", Operation.CONTENT.ordinal()));
ConsoleHelper.writeMessage(String.format("\t %d - Exit", Operation.EXIT.ordinal()));
return Operation.values()[ConsoleHelper.readInt()];