Actually I was working on the task Sum OF 3 DIGIT NUMBERS using intellij Idea. When I finished the program and tried to run in intellij idea it moved me to the mentioned task that I had already completed through the browser rather than using IDE . But I thought it might be the cause of problem to my solution to the task SUM OF 3 DIGIT NUMBERS that which I am facing (while running the task i.e. the sum of 3 digit number it switches me to this task of printing the string I don`t know why it is so?). So again tried to complete this task using the IDE which I already had completed using browser as I mentioned above BUT when I tried to run the program in IDE the output is 63 Process finished with exit code 0 and one of the most interesting part of this problem is that is being reflected at line no 14 of the code s the reference is coming before the string "Hello, Amigo!" in printString() why so?. I tried to delete the same but change not reflected why?