• Anonymous #11506533स्तर 1Bangalore३ मिनट पहले
    Anonymous #11506533 is making attempt 2 to complete the "No comments needed" task
  • Anonymous #11506711स्तर 0३ मिनट पहले
    Anonymous #11506711 earned the "One small step" achievement
  • Anonymous #11506711स्तर 0३ मिनट पहले
    Anonymous #11506711 completed the "Amigo è molto intelligente" task on attempt 1
  • Anonymous #11506711स्तर 0३ मिनट पहले
    Anonymous #11506711 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Amigo è molto intelligente" task
  • Jiří Kopeckýस्तर 2४ मिनट पहले
    Jiří Kopecký completed the "Bugs and features" task on attempt 1
  • Jiří Kopeckýस्तर 2४ मिनट पहले
    Jiří Kopecký is making attempt 1 to complete the "Bugs and features" task
  • Anonymous #11493708स्तर 3Tiszaújváros४ मिनट पहले
    Anonymous #11493708 is making attempt 3 to complete the "Let's take your temperature" task
  • Anonymous #11506533स्तर 1Bangalore४ मिनट पहले
    Anonymous #11506533 is making attempt 1 to complete the "No comments needed" task
  • amanस्तर 1Addis Ababa५ मिनट पहले
    aman started the lesson entitled "Screen output"
  • Anonymous #11493708स्तर 3Tiszaújváros५ मिनट पहले
    Anonymous #11493708 is making attempt 2 to complete the "Let's take your temperature" task
  • Jiří Kopeckýस्तर 2५ मिनट पहले
    Jiří Kopecký started the lesson entitled "Summary of Level"
  • Jiří Kopeckýस्तर 2५ मिनट पहले
    Jiří Kopecký started the lesson entitled "What they don't teach you in school"