CodeGym/Kursus/Koleksi Jawa/Tugas | Tingkat 6 | wulangan 4

Tugas | Tingkat 6 | wulangan 4


"Halo, Amigo."

"Hai, Diego. Apa karo karakter Cina karo tombol ing tengah?"

Tugas |  Tingkat 6 |  Wulangan 4-1

"Iku pola desain MVC sing misuwur! Sampeyan kudu ngerti. Dadi, mbungkus sirahmu ing pola MVC kanthi cepet. Aku mikir sampeyan bakal ngerti apa tegese karakter sawise rampung tugas. Aku bakal menehi sampeyan gampang. tugas lan tugas liyane sing luwih gedhe lan luwih angel. Yen sampeyan ngrampungake sing gampang, pindhah menyang sing gedhe."

Koleksi Jawa,  tingkatwulangan
MVC - a simplified version
Create the Service, Model, View, and Controller classes in separate files. Move the Solution class's methods to the created classes in accordance with how MVC should work. Create the required fields in the classes as needed. Don't add any other methods of your own.
Koleksi Jawa,  tingkatwulangan
Refactoring MVC
Move a few methods into the required classes to get the MVC pattern. If necessary, make changes in the main method that reflect the changes you've made. The program's behavior must not change. Do NOT change class, method, or field names.
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