Voer een getal in - 1

"Hallo, Amigo. Je doet het geweldig. Hier is een nieuwe oefening voor je: schrijf een programma dat wat gegevens van het toetsenbord accepteert en tekst weergeeft die die gegevens gebruikt:"

Java Syntax,  niveau 3les 8
More conversions
Let's calculate the number of full feet in a certain number of inches. We'll create a special method (getFeetFromInches) to do this. Any remainder should be rounded. Thus, if we pass 243 inches to our method, then we will get only 20 feet, not 20.25.
Java Syntax,  niveau 3les 8
Don't think about seconds…
If you stare at the second hand for a long time, you can feel how quickly and irretrievably time is slipping away.. Enough gawking at the second hand. Instead, let's figure out a task involving seconds.
Java Syntax,  niveau 3les 8
Plan to conquer the world
"First, I'll complete the tasks, then I'm going to make a lot of money. Then I'll take over the world". We found this written in a modest young man's personal journal. Let's imagine he knows exactly when this will happen: we'll use the keyboard to enter a number (the number of years it will take to achieve his goal) and the name of the hopeful conqueror. Then we'll display an interesting phrase.