hi, please help. I have no idea why task is not veryfied possitively.
- Upewnij się, że dana osoba jest rzeczywiście dodana do listy allPeople. / Check if person is really added to list allPeople.
- Upewnij się, że rozmiar listy allPeople nie zmienia się przy aktualizacji danych osoby. / Check if size of the list allPelople doesn't change during actualisation.
I checked with debugger step by step and adding/updating seems to work as it should be...
Please help.
package pl.codegym.task.task17.task1710;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
// konfiruracje argumentów:
// -c: -c MyName m 04 15 1990
// -i: -i 1
// -u: -u 1 Jan Kran m 04 15 1990
public class Solution {
public static List<Person> allPeople = new ArrayList<>();
static {
allPeople.add(Person.createMale("Donald Chump", new Date())); // id=0
allPeople.add(Person.createMale("Larry Gates", new Date())); // id=1
public static void main(String[] args) {
String argument = args[0];
switch (argument){
case "-c":
case "-u":
case "-d":
case "-i":
System.out.println("You put bad arguments - moron.");
public static void displayInfo(String[] argumenty){
// jaki ID
int idArg = Integer.parseInt(argumenty[1]);
DateFormat dataOsoby = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
Person osobaAktualna = allPeople.get(idArg);
String plec = null;
if (osobaAktualna.getSex().equals(Sex.MALE)){
plec = "m";
} else if (osobaAktualna.getSex().equals(Sex.FEMALE)){
plec = "f";
System.out.println(osobaAktualna.getName() + " " + plec + " " + dataOsoby.format(osobaAktualna.getBirthDate()));
public static void logicalDeleteFromList(String[] argumenty){
// jaki ID
int idArg = Integer.parseInt(argumenty[1]);
// przypisanie null
Person personNull = Person.createMale("name", new Date());
allPeople.set(idArg, personNull);
public static void updateInLIst(String[] argumenty){
// jaki ID
int idArg = Integer.parseInt(argumenty[1]);
String name = argumenty[2];
// sex
Sex sex = null;
String sexArg = argumenty[3].toLowerCase();
char litraMlubF = sexArg.charAt(0);
if (litraMlubF == 'm'){
sex = Sex.MALE;
} else if (litraMlubF == 'f'){
sex = Sex.FEMALE;
// data
Date data = null;
SimpleDateFormat formatDaty = new SimpleDateFormat("MM dd yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
String dataArg = argumenty[4] + " " + argumenty[5] + " " + argumenty[6];
data = formatDaty.parse(dataArg);
} catch (ParseException e){
// update listy
if (sex == Sex.MALE){
allPeople.set(idArg, Person.createMale(name, data));
} else if (sex == Sex.FEMALE){
allPeople.set(idArg, Person.createFemale(name, data));
public static void addToList(String[] argumenty){
String name = argumenty[1];
// sex
Sex sex = null;
String sexArg = argumenty[2].toLowerCase();
char litraMlubF = sexArg.charAt(0);
if (litraMlubF == 'm'){
sex = Sex.MALE;
} else if (litraMlubF == 'f'){
sex = Sex.FEMALE;
// data
Date data = null;
SimpleDateFormat formatDaty = new SimpleDateFormat("MM dd yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
String dataArg = argumenty[3] + " " + argumenty[4] + " " + argumenty[5];
data = formatDaty.parse(dataArg);
} catch (ParseException e){
// dodaję do listy
if (sex == Sex.MALE){
allPeople.add(Person.createMale(name, data));
} else if (sex == Sex.FEMALE){
allPeople.add(Person.createFemale(name, data));
// wyswietla index
int indexAktualny = allPeople.size();
System.out.println(indexAktualny - 1);