Sorry, but I must ask what that weird numbers mean.
long l = (byte) 1234_564_890L;
my output is 26.
What that lower underline means, and that L?
Where I can read about this?
I don't want to do this at random (blind hit).
package pl.codegym.task.task10.task1007;
Zadanie nr 7 z konwersją typu int
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
long l = (byte) 1234_564_890L;
System.out.println("l: " + l );
int x = (byte) 0b1000_1100_1010;
System.out.println("x: " + x);
double m = (byte) 110_987_654_6299.123_34;
System.out.println("m: " + m);
float f = (byte) l++ + 10 + ++x - (float) m;
System.out.println("f: " + f);
l = (long) f / 1000;