Hello Mates, Because that byte. Byte has always 1. So if my file consists of bytes, then it looks like "house of bricks". File is house. Byte is like brick. = [1] House = [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1] So there is Requirements: "Program powinien wyświetlać maksymalną liczbę bajtów odczytaną z pliku." trans. "The program should display the maximum number of bytes read from the file." For me it looks like a sum. My thinking way take it like sum. But one Mate trying help other student suggest that solution.
while (fileReader.available() > 0) {
            int current = fileReader.read();
            if (current > max)
                max = current;
And that example for me is like: There is no bigger brick, everyone brick has always 1. First or last brick always have 1 byte. There is no max, each brick is the same. Where I do mistake?