Java Collections

The Java Collections quest is dedicated to an in-depth study of Java collections and more. We'll talk about how to work with files and archives. We'll discuss what design patterns are and how to use them. You'll get experience working with JSON, Guava, Apache Commons Collections, and JUnit. You'll learn the details of garbage collection in Java. In addition to the advanced components of Core, you will get acquainted with tools needed by any modern software developer. Learn about Git and JAXB, RMI and DymamicProxy. And we'll touch on another important programming language — JavaScript. On this quest, you will create mini-projects, which are big tasks. To facilitate learning, they are divided into stages.
- Level 1
Locked Working with files and archives - Level 2
Locked RMI and dynamic proxy. Working with Swing - Level 3
Locked JSON, JavaScript. Working with Guava, Apache Commons Collections, JUnit - Level 4
Locked Recursion. Garbage collection and types of reference in Java. Logging - Level 5
Locked Version control systems: Git and SVN. Generics - Level 6
Locked Basic patterns for creating web applications. In-depth study of collections - Level 7
Locked Design patterns. Utility classes, e.g. Arrays. Collections - Level 8
Locked Development methodologies. Annotations in Java. Exception hierarchy - Level 9
Locked Create your first web application. Working with Tomcat and IDEA - Level 10
Locked URI, URL. REST services. Create your own client-server application - Level 11
Locked You passed the course!