1. Sequence of if statements

Sometimes a program needs to perform many different actions depending on the value of a variable or the value of an expression.

Let's say our task is something like this:

  • If the temperature is greater than 20 degrees, then put on a shirt
  • If the temperature is greater than 10 degrees and less than (or equal to) 20, then put on a sweater
  • If the temperature is greater than 0 degrees and less than (or equal to) 10, then put on a raincoat
  • If the temperature is less than 0 degrees, then put on a coat.

Here's how this can be represented in code:

int temperature = 9;

if (temperature > 20) {
   System.out.println("put on a shirt");
} else { // Here the temperature is less than (or equal to) 20
   if (temperature > 10) {
      System.out.println("put on a sweater");
   } else { // Here the temperature is less than (or equal to) 10
      if (temperature > 0) {
         System.out.println("put on a raincoat");
      } else // Here the temperature is less than 0
         System.out.println("put on a coat");

If-else statements can be nested within one another. This makes it possible to implement rather complex logic in a program.

However, programmers usually write this construct a little differently:

int temperature = 9;

if (temperature > 20) {
   System.out.println("put on a shirt");
} else if (temperature > 10) { // Here the temperature is less than (or equal to) 20
   System.out.println("put on a sweater");
} else if (temperature > 0) { // Here the temperature is less than (or equal to) 10
   System.out.println("put on a raincoat");
} else { // Here the temperature is less than 0
   System.out.println("put on a coat");

The two examples given are equivalent, but the second one is easier to understand.

2. Nuances of the else block

An important point:

If don't use curly braces in an if-else construct, then the else refers to the closest previous if.


Our code How will it work
int age = 65;

if (age < 60)
   if (age > 20)
      System.out.println("You must work");
   System.out.println("You don't have to work");
int age = 65;

if (age < 60) {
   if (age > 20)
     System.out.println("You must work");
     System.out.println("You don't have to work");

If you look at the code on the left, it seems that the screen output will be "You don't have to work". But that isn't the case. In reality, the else block and the "You don't have to work" statement are associated with the second (the closer) if statement.

In the code on the right, the associated if and else are highlighted in red. Additionally, the curly braces are placed unambiguously, clearly showing what actions will be performed. The string You don't have to work is never displayed when age is greater than 60.

3. Example of using an if-else statement

Since we explored the if-else statement so well, let's give an example:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Solution {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
     Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); // Create a Scanner object
     int a = console.nextInt(); // Read the first number from the keyboard
     int b = console.nextInt(); // Read the second number from the keyboard
     if (a < b)                   // If a is less than b
       System.out.println(a);     // we display a
     else                         // otherwise
       System.out.println(b);     // we display b
Displaying the minimum of two numbers