2.1 Creating Exceptions
Can't beat 'em — join 'em. If we can't avoid errors in our program, we should learn to control them. So let's learn how to consciously create exceptions.
The simplest example of an exception is division by zero. And the program is simple too:
x = 100 / 0
This code will run with an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
x = 100 / 0
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
is the name of the exception, and division by zero
is its short description. Python will also tell you the line number where this exception occurred.
Data Type Mismatch
Of course, other exceptions are possible. For example, trying to add a string and a number:
s = "100" + 100
A TypeError
will occur:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'str' and 'int'
Out of Range in a List
Another very common error that generates an exception is trying to access an element that doesn't exist in a list:
my_list = [1, 2, 3]
An IndexError
will occur:
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: list index out of range
So, how many are there in total? There are thousands of different types of exceptions. Moreover, you can create your own if the existing ones are not enough to describe some specific situation. Although the most popular ones aren't that many.
2.2 List of the Most Popular Exceptions
There are many exceptions, but as a newbie, it will be useful for you to know about the most popular ones. Below I will provide a table with them:
Exception | Description |
Exception |
The base class for all exceptions. |
IndexError |
Occurs when trying to access an index that is out of range in a sequence (like a list or tuple). |
KeyError |
Occurs when trying to access a non-existent key in a dictionary. |
NameError |
Occurs when a variable that doesn't exist is accessed. |
RuntimeError |
Occurs due to a general runtime error, not related to other types of exceptions. |
StopIteration |
Occurs to signal the end of an iteration. |
SyntaxError |
Occurs due to a syntax error in the code. |
IndentationError |
Occurs due to incorrect indentation in the code (subtype of SyntaxError ). |
TabError |
Occurs when tabs and spaces are mixed for indentation (subtype of IndentationError ). |
TypeError |
Occurs when an operation is attempted between incompatible data types. |
UnboundLocalError |
Occurs when a local variable is accessed before it is declared (subtype of NameError ). |
ValueError |
Occurs when a function or operation receives an argument of the correct type but inappropriate value. |
ZeroDivisionError |
Occurs when division by zero is attempted. |
Most likely, as a newbie, you'll encounter all these errors in your first month of study. And that's okay — you only learn from mistakes.
2.3 Errors in Code
Let's consider a few more situations when errors occur in code, so you can find them more easily in your own code:
This type of error occurs when the indentation in code is done incorrectly. For example, mixing tabs and spaces or incorrect amount of indentation.
def example():
print("World") # Incorrect indentation causes IndentationError
def example():
print(undeclared_variable) # Attempt to use an undeclared variable causes NameError
This type of error occurs when an operation or function receives an argument of the right type but inappropriate value.
def example():
int("abc") # Attempt to convert a string that isn't a number causes ValueError
This type of error occurs when the program tries to access a non-existent key in a dictionary.
def example():
my_dict = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
print(my_dict["c"]) # Attempt to access a non-existent key causes KeyError
This type of error occurs due to a syntax error in the code, meaning the code doesn't match the Python grammar.
def example():
eval("if True print('Hello')") # Incorrect syntax causes SyntaxError
Forewarned is forearmed. Now you can recognize and create situations that cause errors. It's time to learn how to handle these errors.