CodeGym/Courses/Python SELF EN/Recursive Algorithms

Recursive Algorithms


2.1 File Tree Traversal

Let's look at a recursive algorithm for traversing a file tree. The algorithm will traverse a directory and all its subdirectories, listing all the files and folders.

import os

def list_files_recursive(directory, indent=0):
    # Get a list of all files and folders in the current directory
    items = os.listdir(directory)

    for item in items:
        # Create a full path to the file or folder
        path = os.path.join(directory, item)

        # Print with indentation for better understanding of structure
        print(' ' * indent + item)

        # If it's a folder, recursively traverse its contents
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            list_files_recursive(path, indent + 4)

# Example usage
root_directory = '/path/to/root/directory'

How does it work?

  1. Function list_files_recursive(directory, indent=0):
    • directory — the current directory whose contents we want to print.
    • indent — the current level of indentation to show nesting of files and folders.
  2. Get a list of all files and folders in the current directory using os.listdir(directory).
  3. Iterate over each item in the items list.
  4. Create a full path to the item using os.path.join(directory, item).
  5. Print the item's name with indentation that increases by 4 spaces for each level of nesting.
  6. Check if the item is a folder using os.path.isdir(path). If it is, recursively call list_files_recursive(path, indent + 4) to traverse its contents.

Example output:

Suppose we have the following directory structure:


When we run the function list_files_recursive(root_directory), we'll get the following output:


This algorithm recursively traverses the directory tree, printing all files and folders considering their nesting.

2.2 Tower of Hanoi

The "Tower of Hanoi" problem

The Tower of Hanoi is a classic recursive problem that involves moving disks from one peg to another using an auxiliary peg.


  1. You can move only one disk at a time.
  2. A disk can only be placed on an empty peg or on a larger disk.
  3. You need to move all disks from one peg to another, using an auxiliary peg.

Here's a recursive algorithm to solve this problem:

The Tower of Hanoi algorithm solves the problem as follows:

  1. Move n - 1 disks from the initial peg to the auxiliary peg, using the target peg.
  2. Move the remaining disk from the initial peg to the target peg.
  3. Move n - 1 disks from the auxiliary peg to the target peg, using the initial peg.

Python example

def hanoi_tower(n, source, target, auxiliary):
    if n == 1:
        print(f"Move disk 1 from {source} to {target}")
    hanoi_tower(n - 1, source, auxiliary, target)
    print(f"Move disk {n} from {source} to {target}")
    hanoi_tower(n - 1, auxiliary, target, source)

# Example usage:
n = 3  # Number of disks
hanoi_tower(n, 'A', 'C', 'B')

How does it work?

Base case:

If there's only one disk (n == 1), it can be simply moved from the initial peg to the target peg.

if n == 1:
    print(f"Move disk 1 from {source} to {target}")

Recursive case:

Step 1. Move n-1 disks from the initial peg to the auxiliary peg, using the target peg.

hanoi_tower(n - 1, source, auxiliary, target)

Step 2. Move disk n from the initial peg to the target peg.

print(f"Move disk {n} from {source} to {target}")

Step 3. Move n - 1 disks from the auxiliary peg to the target peg, using the initial peg.

hanoi_tower(n - 1, auxiliary, target, source)

Example output:

For three disks (n = 3) on pegs A, B, and C, the program will print:

Move disk 1 from A to C
Move disk 2 from A to B
Move disk 1 from C to B
Move disk 3 from A to C
Move disk 1 from B to A
Move disk 2 from B to C
Move disk 1 from A to C

2.3 Koch Snowflake

Drawing a snowflake using recursion is an interesting task, often used to study fractals. One of the simple ways to draw a snowflake is to use the Koch curve, which is a fractal curve.

Algorithm for Drawing a Koch Snowflake

The Koch curve is built as follows:

  • Start with a straight line.
  • Break each segment into three parts and replace the middle part with a small curve resembling a "corner".
  • Repeat this process recursively for each segment.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Start: Draw an initial segment.
  • Divide: Divide each segment into three parts.
  • Replace the middle part: Draw a "corner" on the middle part, consisting of two lines forming a 60-degree angle.
  • Repeat the process: Continue this process for each segment.

Python example using the Turtle library

import turtle

def draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth):
    if depth == 0:
        length /= 3.0
        draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth - 1)
        draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth - 1)
        draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth - 1)
        draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth - 1)

def draw_snowflake(t, length, depth):
    for _ in range(3):
        draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth)

# Screen setup
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.bgcolor("sky blue")

# Turtle setup
t = turtle.Turtle()

# Draw the snowflake
t.goto(-100, 50)
draw_snowflake(t, 300, 4)

# Finish drawing

How does it work?

1. Function draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth):

  • t: the turtle doing the drawing.
  • length: the length of the segment.
  • depth: the depth of recursion, determining the level of detail.

2. Base case:

If depth equals 0, the turtle draws a straight segment.

if depth == 0:

3. Recursive case:

Divide the segment into three parts, and apply draw_koch_curve recursively to each part, adding turns.

length /= 3.0
draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth - 1)
draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth - 1)
draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth - 1)
draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth - 1)

4. Function draw_snowflake(t, length, depth):

Draws three Koch curves combined into one snowflake.

for _ in range(3):
    draw_koch_curve(t, length, depth)

How to run the code?

  • Make sure you have the Turtle library installed (pip install PythonTurtle).
  • Copy and paste the code into a .py file and run it. You'll see the snowflake being drawn on the screen.

This algorithm allows for visualizing the fractal structure of a snowflake using simple principles of recursion and geometric constructions.

Python SELF EN,  level 57lesson 1
File tree
File tree
Python SELF EN,  level 57lesson 1
Koch Snowflake
Koch Snowflake
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