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Loading Dynamic Content with requests_html


1. Dynamic Content and JavaScript

If you've already mastered the basics of web scraping using libraries like BeautifulSoup and requests, it's time to dive into some more exciting aspects of this activity. Today, we're gonna talk about handling content that loads dynamically as you scroll through a webpage. Your browser isn’t the only fan of infinite scrolls; now you can teach your scripts to love them too! 🤖

The internet is full of dynamically loaded pages where content updates or appears only through JavaScript. This, in turn, "works its magic" on the client side. It can be both a blessing and a curse for web scrapers. On one hand, these sites are usually more interactive and user-friendly. On the other hand, scraping them is harder since the requests library doesn’t understand JavaScript.

2. The requests_html Library

Luckily, as you might already know, the requests_html library exists — combining the power of requests with browser-like rendering from Pyppeteer. This library lets you load and render pages with dynamic content, execute JavaScript, and even scroll through pages.

Installing requests_html

First up, you gotta install the library. If you haven’t done so already, run the following command:

pip install requests-html

Using requests_html

Once installed, let’s figure out how to use requests_html to load and interact with dynamic content.

Example: Loading and Rendering a Page

Let’s start with a simple example: loading a page, executing JavaScript, and extracting data. Check out this example where we load a page and grab the text of an element that appears only after JavaScript execution.

from requests_html import HTMLSession

# Create a session
session = HTMLSession()

# Load the page
response = session.get('')

# Execute JavaScript to render the page

# Extract the text of an element that appears after rendering
content = response.html.find('#dynamic-content', first=True)

In this example, we use the render() method, allowing requests_html to execute JavaScript on the page and render content that might be hidden during standard loading.

3. Simulating Page Scroll

Sometimes dynamic content doesn’t load right away but appears only as you scroll. requests_html can help here by simulating page scrolling to fetch more data.

Example: Automatic Scrolling

Imagine you’ve got a page with an infinite news feed, and you wanna grab as many items as possible. Here’s how you can do it:

from requests_html import HTMLSession

session = HTMLSession()
response = session.get('')

# Render and scroll the page
response.html.render(scrolldown=5, sleep=1)

# Extract all news items
news_items = response.html.find('.news-item')

for news_item in news_items:

Here, the render() method includes the scrolldown and sleep parameters, specifying how many times to scroll down and how long to wait between scrolls.

4. Practical Applications

Why bother with stuff like automatic scrolling? 🤔

  • Marketing Research: Tons of companies use these kinds of sites to continuously display data that can be analyzed for trends or consumer behavior.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Many social platforms use infinite feeds, making requests_html a handy tool for monitoring and collecting data from them.
  • News and Updates: Pulling news headers and stories from endless news streams lets you get real-time info for analysis.

5. Common Errors and Fixes

While working with dynamic pages and requests_html, you might run into some errors. Let’s go through a few common issues:

Rendering Problems

Sometimes the render() method might fail, especially if the page is too large or complex. You can try increasing the render timeout using the timeout parameter or reducing the number of scrolls.


Script Interference

Sometimes JavaScript on the page might block your script or cause issues. You can try using the wait parameter to wait for the necessary elements.


Screen Resolution and Device Type

Some websites provide content based on screen resolution or device type. Make sure to check what user-agent is being used and ensure the content is rendering correctly.

response.session.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3'

6. More to Explore

requests_html is a powerful tool, but to fully unleash its capabilities and avoid common issues, check out the official documentation. It’ll help you better understand how to manage scrolling and render complex pages successfully.

At this point, you’ve got everything you need to not fear dynamic content or infinite scrolls. Be careful, though, and always make it clear that your script is a helpful white-hat tool automating tasks for good, not an evil hacker! 😇

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