"Hi, Amigo!"
"Hi, Kim."
"I want to tell you about inheriting static and non-static nested classes."
"I'm ready."
"There really aren't any issues with inheriting static nested classes. They are inherited just like regular classes:"
public class Car
public static class Door
public class LamborghiniDoor extends Car.Door
"But can we make static nested classes inherit static nested classes in other classes?"
"Why not?"
public class Car
public static class Door
public class Lamborghini extends Car
public static class LamborghiniDoor extends Car.Door
"OK, got it. They are inherited just like regular classes, right?"
"Yes. But non-static nested classes (known as inner classes) are not inherited as easily."
"When an instance of an inner class is created, a reference to its outer class is stored and implicitly passed to the constructor."
"As a result, when you create objects of a class that inherits an inner class, you must pass the required outer object explicitly."
"This is how it looks:"
public class Car
public class Door
public class LamborghiniDoor extends Car.Door
LamborghiniDoor(Car car)
"You must implicitly pass a Car object to the Door constructor. This is done using a special construct: «car.super()»."
"By the way, if you try to create the LamborghiniDoor constructor without any parameters, the program simply won't compile. A little strange, huh?"
"Yeah, there are a couple of nuances, but it's not rocket science."