CodeGym /Java Course /Java Multithreading /Practice interrupting threads

Practice interrupting threads

Java Multithreading
Level 5 , Lesson 7
Practice interrupting threads - 1

"I was just waiting for you. There's so much interesting work for you here:"

Java Multithreading, level 5, lesson 7
Work up a sweat!
Implement the logic of the interrupt() method, which should interrupt the thread after first closing used resources. Use the superclass's method in a finally block.
Java Multithreading, level 5, lesson 7
No goofing off
Restore the logic of the TaskManipulator class.
Java Multithreading, level 5, lesson 7
It's not as easy as it seems
1. Read online about Socket, ThreadPoolExecutor, RunnableFuture, and Callable. 2. Implement the logic of the SocketTask class's cancel() method. 3. Implement the cancel() method's logic for a local class inside the SocketTask class's newTask method.
Comments (8)
TheLordJackMC Level 39, Princeton, idk somewhere
3 August 2021
what does the binary even say?
Jurij Thmsn Level 29, Flensburg, Germany
3 November 2021
if it's ASCII: "{ç" 🙄
4 April 2021
I didn't get the last task. Also read online what was asked in the task, it has nothing to do with task itself.
Denys Level 41, Ukraine
9 February 2021
No goofing off: the output of the word "fifth" two times was correct for me
Nouser Level 36, Germany
26 October 2020
Has anyone a clue (goofing task) why i can not use the thread field we had to add to the TaskManipulator class but I need to create a Thread.currentThread() object inside the run method? If using the field the output is OK except fifth gets printed two times.
BlueJavaBanana Level 37
5 September 2020
Another set of dreadful tasks. My second one passed even though the output was miles out. But no matter what I tried I couldn't get it to work as they wanted. Ended up copying an answer to see if they worked, and they didn't but when I hit submit it passed. Truly terrible.
Henrique Level 41, São Paulo, Brazil
3 August 2020
It would be very nice if CodeGym offered a better orientation on this Multithreading quest. Some orientation, for exemple, of what to read about the Socket, ThreadPoolExecutor, RunnableFuture, and Callable topics. I googled and there's a lot of things, and I don't know exactly where to focus or how much of my time I should spend trying to understand those things instead of advancing through the lessons of this course. I've read the Oracle documentation and some other articles about each of these classes and I still don't get what exactly is the connection and importance of it and the last task -- and Multithreading in general.
Thành Black Level 49, Hanoi
11 November 2021
You now understand yet. I need help