Tic-tac-toe [1] is a logical game between two opponents on a square field of 3 by 3 cells or larger (up to an “endless field”). One of the players plays with "crosses", the second - with "toes". The traditional Chinese game Gomoku uses black and white stones. Players take turns placing signs on the free cells of the 3x3 field (one is always crosses, the other is always zeros). The first one to line up 3 of his pieces vertically, horizontally or large diagonally wins. If the players have filled in all 9 cells and it turns out that there are no three identical symbols in any vertical, horizontal or large diagonal, the game is considered to be a draw. The first move is made by the player placing crosses. Usually, at the end of the game, the winning side crosses out its three signs (a zero or a cross), which make up a continuous row. Exchange icons It is possible to override the rule that tells players to only place their own type of icon. For example, a game option could be: players put a cross or a zero (whatever they want); the first one wins if he builds a line of the required length from identical icons, the second one wins if this does not happen before filling the field. Another option: “your” icon changes with each move. Super tic-tac-toe The game consists of nine tic-tac-toe boards arranged in a 3×3 grid. Players take turns playing on the smaller tic-tac-toe boards until one of them wins on the larger tic-tac-toe board. Compared to traditional tic-tac-toe, the strategy in this game is conceptually more complex and has proven to be more challenging for computers.