• francesco MarcucciAntasVasanello 18 April, 10:54
    francesco Marcucci earned the "One small step" achievement
  • francesco MarcucciAntasVasanello 18 April, 10:54
    francesco Marcucci completed the "Penso che essere programmatore sia figo" task on attempt 2
  • francesco MarcucciAntasVasanello 18 April, 10:54
    francesco Marcucci is making attempt 2 to complete the "Penso che essere programmatore sia figo" task
  • 萧萧🥬🥒AntasChina18 April, 10:54
    萧萧🥬🥒 is making attempt 1 to complete the "KissMyShinyMetalRearActuator" task
  • MakAntasGermany18 April, 10:53
    Mak is making attempt 2 to complete the "Währungen" task
  • hidden #11504571Antas18 April, 10:53
    hidden #11504571 started the lesson entitled "The virtual machine and the first command"
  • Anonymous #11498540Antas18 April, 10:53
    Anonymous #11498540 completed the "Minimum number of statics " task on attempt 3
  • Anonymous #11498540Antas18 April, 10:53
    Anonymous #11498540 is making attempt 3 to complete the "Minimum number of statics " task
  • Anonymous #11504398Antas-18 April, 10:53
    Anonymous #11504398 started the lesson entitled "พิมพ์ () และ println ();"
  • francesco MarcucciAntasVasanello 18 April, 10:53
    francesco Marcucci is making attempt 1 to complete the "Penso che essere programmatore sia figo" task
  • Anonymous #11504398Antas-18 April, 10:53
    Anonymous #11504398 completed the "Contract " task on attempt 3
  • Anonymous #11504398Antas-18 April, 10:53
    Anonymous #11504398 is making attempt 3 to complete the "Contract " task