CodeGym/Java 博客/随机的/适配器设计模式解决了什么问题?
John Squirrels
第 41 级
San Francisco


已在 随机的 群组中发布
需要协同工作的不兼容组件使软件开发变得更加困难。例如,如果您需要将新库与用早期 Java 版本编写的旧平台集成,您可能会遇到不兼容的对象,或者更确切地说是不兼容的接口。 适配器设计模式解决了什么问题? - 1在这种情况下该怎么办?重写代码?我们不能那样做,因为分析系统会花费很多时间,否则会违反应用程序的内部逻辑。为了解决这个问题,创建了适配器模式。它帮助具有不兼容接口的对象协同工作。让我们看看如何使用它!


public interface Excuse {
   String generateExcuse();
   void likeExcuse(String excuse);
   void dislikeExcuse(String excuse);
public class WorkExcuse implements Excuse {
   private String[] excuses = {"in an incredible confluence of circumstances, I ran out of hot water and had to wait until sunlight, focused using a magnifying glass, heated a mug of water so that I could wash.",
   "the artificial intelligence in my alarm clock failed me, waking me up an hour earlier than normal. Because it is winter, I thought it was still nighttime and I fell back asleep. Everything after that is a bit hazy.",
   "my pre-holiday mood slows metabolic processes in my body, leading to depression and insomnia."};
   private String [] apologies = {"This will not happen again, of course. I'm very sorry.", "I apologize for my unprofessional behavior.", "There is no excuse for my actions. I am not worthy of this position."};

   public String generateExcuse() { // Randomly select an excuse from the array
       String result = "I was late today because " + excuses[(int) Math.round(Math.random() + 1)] + "\\n" +
               apologies[(int) Math.round(Math.random() + 1)];
       return result;

   public void likeExcuse(String excuse) {
       // Duplicate the element in the array so that its chances of being chosen are higher

   public void dislikeExcuse(String excuse) {
       // Remove the item from the array
Excuse excuse = new WorkExcuse();
"I was late today because my pre-holiday mood slows metabolic processes in my body, leading to depression and insomnia.
I apologize for my unprofessional behavior.
public interface StudentExcuse {
   String generateExcuse();
   void dislikeExcuse(String excuse);
public class SuperStudentExcuse implements StudentExcuse {
   public String generateExcuse() {
       // Logic for the new functionality
       return "An incredible excuse adapted to the current weather conditions, traffic jams, or delays in public transport schedules.";

   public void dislikeExcuse(String excuse) {
       // Adds the reason to a blacklist
代码无法更改。当前的类层次结构如下所示: 适配器设计模式解决了什么问题? - 2该版本的系统仅适用于 Excuse 接口。您无法重写代码:在大型应用程序中,进行此类更改可能会成为一个漫长的过程或破坏应用程序的逻辑。我们可以引入一个基本接口并扩展层次结构: 适配器设计模式解决了什么问题? - 3为此,我们必须重命名该Excuse接口。但是额外的层次结构在严肃的应用程序中是不可取的:引入一个公共根元素会破坏体系结构。您应该实现一个中间类,让我们以最小的损失同时使用新旧功能。简而言之,您需要一个适配器


适配器是一种中间对象,它允许一个对象的方法调用被另一个对象理解。让我们为示例实现一个适配器并将其命名为Middleware. 我们的适配器必须实现与其中一个对象兼容的接口。顺其自然吧Excuse。这允许Middleware调用第一个对象的方法。 Middleware接收调用并以兼容的方式将它们转发给第二个对象。这是Middleware使用generateExcuseanddislikeExcuse方法的实现:
public class Middleware implements Excuse { // 1. Middleware becomes compatible with WorkExcuse objects via the Excuse interface

   private StudentExcuse superStudentExcuse;

   public Middleware(StudentExcuse excuse) { // 2. Get a reference to the object being adapted
       this.superStudentExcuse = excuse;

   public String generateExcuse() {
       return superStudentExcuse.generateExcuse(); // 3. The adapter implements an interface method

    public void dislikeExcuse(String excuse) {
        // The method first adds the excuse to the blacklist,
        // Then passes it to the dislikeExcuse method of the superStudentExcuse object.
   // The likeExcuse method will appear later
public class Test {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Excuse excuse = new WorkExcuse(); // We create objects of the classes
       StudentExcuse newExcuse = new SuperStudentExcuse(); // that must be compatible.
       System.out.println("An ordinary excuse for an employee:");
       Excuse adaptedStudentExcuse = new Middleware(newExcuse); // Wrap the new functionality in the adapter object
       System.out.println("Using new functionality with the adapter:");
       System.out.println(adaptedStudentExcuse.generateExcuse()); // The adapter calls the adapted method
An ordinary excuse for an employee:
I was late today because my pre-holiday mood slows metabolic processes in my body, leading to depression and insomnia.
There is no excuse for my actions. I am not worthy of this position.
Using new functionality with the adapter:
public class Middleware implements Excuse {

   private StudentExcuse superStudentExcuse;

   public Middleware(StudentExcuse excuse) {
       this.superStudentExcuse = excuse;

   public String generateExcuse() {
       return superStudentExcuse.generateExcuse();

   public void likeExcuse(String excuse) {
       throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The likeExcuse method is not supported by the new functionality");

   public void dislikeExcuse(String excuse) {
       // The method accesses a database to fetch additional information,
       // and then passes it to the superStudentExcuse object's dislikeExcuse method.


  1. 当需要使用第三方类,但其接口与主应用不兼容时。上面的示例显示了如何创建一个适配器对象,该对象以目标对象可以理解的格式包装调用。

  2. 当几个现有的子类需要一些通用功能时。与其创建额外的子类(这会导致代码重复),不如使用适配器。


优点:适配器向客户端隐藏了处理从一个对象到另一个对象的请求的细节。客户端代码不会考虑格式化数据或处理对目标方法的调用。太复杂了,程序员又懒了:) 缺点:项目的代码库被额外的类复杂化了。如果你有很多不兼容的接口,那么额外类的数量就会变得难以管理。




  1. 首先,请确保您遇到了此模式可以解决的问题。

  2. 定义将用于与不兼容对象间接交互的客户端接口。

  3. 让适配器类继承上一步定义的接口。

  4. 在适配器类中,创建一个字段来存储对适配器对象的引用。该引用被传递给构造函数。

  5. 在适配器中实现所有客户端接口方法。一个方法可以:

    • 传递呼叫而不做任何更改

    • 修改或补充数据,增加/减少目标方法的调用次数等。

    • 在极端情况下,如果特定方法仍然不兼容,则抛出 UnsupportedOperationException。不受支持的操作必须严格记录。

  6. 如果应用程序仅通过客户端接口使用适配器类(如上例所示),那么以后可以轻松扩展适配器。

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