• cikl57Level 2Phoenix11 May, 11:41
    cikl57 completed the "我的年轻朋友" task on attempt 1
  • cikl57Level 2Phoenix11 May, 11:41
    cikl57 is making attempt 1 to complete the "我的年轻朋友" task
  • sp 2Level 1Poland11 May, 11:41
    sp 2 started the lesson entitled "Gotowy na swój pierwszy program"
  • Anonymous #11505206Level 6Brussels11 May, 11:40
    EmreKoita started the lesson entitled "Saisie d'un nombre"
  • sp 2Level 1Poland11 May, 11:40
    sp 2 earned the "One small step" achievement
  • sp 2Level 1Poland11 May, 11:40
    sp 2 completed the "Amigo jest bardzo sprytny" task on attempt 5
  • sp 2Level 1Poland11 May, 11:40
    sp 2 is making attempt 5 to complete the "Amigo jest bardzo sprytny" task
  • sp 2Level 1Poland11 May, 11:40
    sp 2 is making attempt 4 to complete the "Amigo jest bardzo sprytny" task
  • cikl57Level 2Phoenix11 May, 11:40
    cikl57 completed the "给老师的赞美之词" task on attempt 1
  • cikl57Level 2Phoenix11 May, 11:40
    cikl57 is making attempt 1 to complete the "给老师的赞美之词" task
  • sp 2Level 1Poland11 May, 11:40
    sp 2 is making attempt 3 to complete the "Amigo jest bardzo sprytny" task
  • IALevel 411 May, 11:40
    IA earned the "Hackathon" achievement