Requirements: • The program should output text. • The text should begin with "My name is Amigo". • The text should end with a "metal rear actuator!". • The text should consist of 9 lines (empty lines are also lines). • The displayed text must match the task conditions. output Should be like this My name is Amigo. I agree to wages of $5000/month in the first year. I agree to wages of $5500/month in the second year. I agree to wages of $7000/month in the third year. I agree to wages of $8000/month in the fourth year. I agree to wages of $10000/month in the fifth year. Kiss my shiny metal rear actuator! public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { //write your code here String s="My name is Amigo"; String n=""; String k="Kiss my shiny metal rear actuator!"; String ag="I agree to wages of"; String m="/month in the "; String y="year."; System.out.println(s); System.out.println(n); System.out.println(ag+"$5000"+m+"first "+y); System.out.println(ag+"$5500"+m+"second "+y); System.out.println(ag+"$7000"+m+"third "+y); System.out.println(ag+"$8000"+m+"forth "+y); System.out.println(ag+"$10000"+m+"fifth "+y); System.out.println(n); System.out.println(k); } } for this code why "The displayed text must match the task conditions." is not work? plz some body help me?