• Krzysztof Kলেভেল 84 মে, 20:55
    Krzysztof K is making attempt 6 to complete the "Zasada trójkąta" task
  • Anonymous #11511613লেভেল 2Ticul4 মে, 20:54
    Anonymous #11511613 started the lesson entitled "El futuro ya está aquí"
  • Anonymous #11511613লেভেল 2Ticul4 মে, 20:54
    Anonymous #11511613 advanced to Level 2
  • Ladyলেভেল 3United States of America4 মে, 20:54
    Lady started the lesson entitled "Variables"
  • Ladyলেভেল 3United States of America4 মে, 20:54
    Lady earned the "Sprint" achievement
  • Ladyলেভেল 3United States of America4 মে, 20:54
    Lady completed the "Creo que ser programador es genial" task on attempt 2
  • Ladyলেভেল 3United States of America4 মে, 20:54
    Lady is making attempt 2 to complete the "Creo que ser programador es genial" task
  • Ladyলেভেল 3United States of America4 মে, 20:54
    Lady is making attempt 1 to complete the "Creo que ser programador es genial" task
  • Marcelo Marangoni লেভেল 24 মে, 20:53
    Marcelo Marangoni completed the "Part of a calculator " task on attempt 6
  • Marcelo Marangoni লেভেল 24 মে, 20:53
    Marcelo Marangoni is making attempt 6 to complete the "Part of a calculator " task
  • Rafael Rochaলেভেল 14 মে, 20:53
    Rafael Rocha completed the "Só 20 são suficientes" task on attempt 1
  • Rafael Rochaলেভেল 14 মে, 20:53
    Rafael Rocha is making attempt 1 to complete the "Só 20 são suficientes" task