• Антощук Максим레벨 16 May, 08:39
    Антощук Максим started the lesson entitled "Screen output"
  • Jose Daniel Lara레벨 46 May, 08:39
    Jose Daniel Lara is making attempt 1 to complete the "El resultado de la suma de los números que no son múltiplos de tres es:" task
  • Антощук Максим레벨 16 May, 08:39
    Антощук Максим started the lesson entitled "Commands and your first program"
  • Marconitious Reus 레벨 1Cape Town6 May, 08:38
    Marconitious Reus started the lesson entitled "Commands and your first program"
  • Anonymous #11512121레벨 4Taipei6 May, 08:38
    Anonymous #11512121 completed the "大清掃" task on attempt 2
  • Anonymous #11512121레벨 4Taipei6 May, 08:38
    Anonymous #11512121 is making attempt 2 to complete the "大清掃" task
  • Anonymous #11512121레벨 4Taipei6 May, 08:38
    Anonymous #11512121 is making attempt 1 to complete the "大清掃" task
  • JiangnanYu레벨 116 May, 08:38
    JiangnanYu completed the "五名获胜者" task on attempt 1
  • JiangnanYu레벨 116 May, 08:38
    JiangnanYu is making attempt 1 to complete the "五名获胜者" task
  • huyonezeno레벨 2Hanoi6 May, 08:38
    huyonezeno is making attempt 4 to complete the "Contract " task
  • huyonezeno레벨 2Hanoi6 May, 08:38
    huyonezeno is making attempt 3 to complete the "Contract " task
  • Антощук Максим레벨 16 May, 08:38
    Антощук Максим returned to CodeGym