• Alonso Nicolás Hernández Herrera is making attempt 1 to complete the "Amigo es muy listo" task
  • emampNivel 2Dinardhace 35 minutos
    emamp started the lesson entitled "Examples of working with strings"
  • Anonymous #11535035Nivel 1Meudonhace 35 minutos
    Anonymous #11535035 started the lesson entitled "Résumé du niveau 0"
  • emampNivel 2Dinardhace 35 minutos
    emamp completed the ""It's me again about the job..."" task on attempt 2
  • emampNivel 2Dinardhace 35 minutos
    emamp is making attempt 2 to complete the ""It's me again about the job..."" task
  • Thomas ZallNivel 23Wienhace 35 minutos
    Thomas Zall started the lesson entitled "Was sind veränderliche/unveränderliche Objekte und wozu dienen sie?"
  • Thomas ZallNivel 23Wienhace 35 minutos
    Thomas Zall started the lesson entitled "Du bist aufgestiegen!"
  • Thomas ZallNivel 23Wienhace 35 minutos
    Thomas Zall advanced to Level 23
  • elkin Limas RojasNivel 32hace 35 minutos
    elkin Limas Rojas started the lesson entitled "Interfaces"
  • elkin Limas RojasNivel 32hace 35 minutos
    elkin Limas Rojas advanced to Level 32
  • Alonso Nicolás Hernández Herrera started the lesson entitled "Equipos y primer programa"
  • emampNivel 2Dinardhace 36 minutos
    emamp is making attempt 1 to complete the ""It's me again about the job..."" task