1 年分のサブスクリプションを $149 でご利用いただけます
通常年間料金は $290 です Premium サブスクリプションの通常年間料金は $290 です
この料金は翌 15 時 : 57 分 日間有効です

この割引は PremiumPremium Mentor の年間サブスクリプションにのみ適用されます。

特別価格は から 24th まで 27th July有効です。


個人割引は CodeGym におけるアクティビティレベル、進捗状況ならびに前のサブスクリプションによります。


Premium Mentor
  • 通常料金
  • 割引料金
  • 個人割引後の料金
Premium サブスクリプションには何が含まれていますか? Premium サブスクリプション
  • CodeGym のすべてのクエストへのアクセス
    CodeGym には次のクエストがあります: Java の構文、Java コア、Java のコレクション、Java のマルチスレッドプログラミング。Java のすべての主要要素をカバーできるよう、適切に構成されたコースです。500 個を超えるミニレッスンと 1,200 個を超える実用的なタスクをご利用いただけます。
  • IntelliJ IDEA プラグイン
    CodeGym では、Java のプログラミングに最も便利で人気の高い IDE の 1 つ、IntelliJ IDEA でのコーディングを指導しています。私たちは IntelliJ IDEA 向けの CodeGym プラグインを開発し、勉強をスムーズに進められるようにしました。2 回のクリックでタスクに取りかかり、1 回のクリックで提出し、ソリューションを確認します!
  • タスク要件
  • お奨めタスク
    お奨めタスクは、CodeGym の過去の生徒たちがおかした何万個にもおよぶミスを分析した結果に基づいています。当社のシステムがミスを発見すると、そのタスクを作成したプログラマーから推薦情報が自動的に生徒に届くようになっています。まるで専属のメンターと一緒に勉強しているような感じです。
  • タスクを瞬時に確認する
    普通のフルタイムのコースでは、生徒の書いたプログラムが教師の所に大量に送られてきます。すべてを慎重にかつ素早くチェックすることは体力的に不可能です。そこで生徒は長い時間を待たされることになります!CodeGym ではそのような問題は存在しません。当社の検証機能がソリューションを瞬時にチェックします。ボタンをクリックするだけで、ソリューションの正誤がわずか数秒で分かります。ミスをした場合は、修正が必要な箇所に関する要件と推奨事項の一覧が表示されます。
  • ミニプロジェクト
    ビギナーは大きなプログラムを書く方法を知らないので、当然それには苦労すると思います。そこで、私たちは 15~20 個のサブタスクで構成されるミニプロジェクトを開発しました。各サブタスクには詳細な手順が記載されています。これにより、比較的複雑なアプリケーションの開発経験を積むことができます。例えば、単純なゲーム、オンラインチャットシステム、レストラン向けのオートメーションシステムなど、たくさんのプログラムを書きます。
  • ボーナスタスク
Get more features with a Premium Mentor subscription Premium Mentor subscription
One year course at Java University
  • Opportunity to become a Java developer from scratch
    The course consists of five training modules lasting from one and a half to three months. At the end of each module, there are final projects under the guidance of a mentor. The course program includes the basics of Java (materials of four quests of the JavaRush course) + modules on databases, Spring and Spring Boot.
  • Regular homework
    After each online class, students do their homework: they give lectures and solve problems with automatic verification in a separate JavaRush quest, which is available only to students of the annual training program.
  • Private chat support
    Each group on the course has its private Slack chat, in which course mentors and support specialists answer student questions, publish additional tasks for those ahead of the curriculum, publish materials from past video lectures, and all the necessary information about upcoming classes.
  • Group online classes with mentors
    The 12 Month Java Developer course includes online classes with experienced Java mentors. Lectures are held twice a week for two hours. On them, teachers explain to students a new theory, analyze difficult moments from homework, and answer students' questions.
  • Implementation and verification of final projects
    In addition to homework after each lecture, the logical conclusion of each module is the implementation of a practical project under the guidance of a mentor, which will help consolidate the skills. So, well, do something cool!
  • Course Completion Certificate
    We are 100% convinced that students who complete all training modules, complete all homework assignments, and defend all final projects are ready-made juniors. Therefore, upon graduation, we issue a diploma that confirms qualifications and helps create a resume that will allow graduates to find a job.
コメント (1489)
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  • 古い
Karthik Rao K S
レベル 18、Mangalore、India
1 August 2018, 15:59
I have visited numerous websites and applications that claim to teach Java in the best way possible. But Code Gym stands out of all those websites; because it does what it claims to do. The simplest to the most complex of topics of Java are explained in layman terms so that anyone irrespective of their educational background can learn, practice, and master Java. A major thumbs up to you, Code Gym!
Anonymous #11357650
レベル 2、Kenya
18 June 2023, 09:06
But me I am not understanding why
Anonymous #11356534
レベル 2、South Africa
27 June 2023, 14:32
mmmh i think you need to be a little bit serious and dedicate more time to practice and learning
hidden #10447638
レベル 22
30 July 2019, 02:57
Just this morning I posted in another part that I would not be able to pay for the course. I've been around for 12 levels and I've definitely loved it. There is a saying that I've tried to stick to ever since I saw it: "empty your pockets to fill your mind, for once there will come a time where your mind will fill your pockets" I've got the money from a very close person and plan to take full advantage of the course. Happy coding, everyone!
Akash gupta
レベル 1、Sri Dungargarh、India
25 April 2019, 15:47
System.out.println("Awesome mehtod of teaching programming. I really appreciate it.");
慢就是快 Enterprise Java Developer
28 October 2021, 02:12
method :)
Anonymous #11433943 eとしてeで勤務
7 December 2023, 10:11
Anonymous #11501823 eとしてeで勤務
17 April, 11:48
Tara Edwards
レベル 6、United States
26 July 2019, 12:56
I'm reluctantly transitioning from manual testing to test automation. I've started a lot of java courses online and this is the first time I feel like I might actually be "getting it"!
Anonymous #11501823 eとしてeで勤務
13 April, 01:23
レベル 25、Yahil'nytsya、Ukraine
31 July 2019, 10:07
Thank you for this course, thank you for the work you have done. Since the theory, enshrined in a large practice, is a big plus of this course. Good luck to all. P.S. We are waiting for additions to the course
Anonymous #11433943 eとしてeで勤務
7 December 2023, 10:11
レベル 27、Chongqing、China
7 July 2019, 19:51
Absolutely love this website and its tutorial! I used to have a C class in university, but the professor is too dull and boring to pay attention to, I just skipped the whole course. But I passed the exam cuz I practice a lot, so I know that in programming, practice matter. And when I want to learn Java and found here...jeez, 80% practice, that's what makes you success, couldn't agree more.
Itgelsaikhan Enkhtur
レベル 7、Ulaanbaatar、Mongolia
25 December 2019, 13:08
Hello Tangerin. Can you say me please if I buy Premium account for one month it will contain all 40 levels? I want to finish all 40 lelvels but I can just buy one month Premium account. I saw that you loved this course site. Please answer me.
Maciej Blankenburg Java Developer
18 November 2022, 02:18
no, it is impossible, 12000 exercise even for me who is junior java developer is impossible in one month
レベル 1、Germany、Germany
24 November 2022, 06:31
Tangerin, you've said it all😅
hidden #11339738
レベル 9
23 May 2023, 04:07
12000? Actually, the real figure is 1200 exercises. Which is still challenging in one month.
Kumar Vishal
レベル 6、India
1 August 2018, 21:11
Something new... The story based approach is what i like the most and at each step there are exercises after a brief lesson which makes it more intriguing. Thanks a lot for such a step.
レベル 3、Chennai、India
22 October 2018, 08:37
This is really helpful. It is so different from Udemy lessons. All the task actually make me think a lot.....
レベル 3
2 August 2018, 07:22
awesome way of teaching
Anonymous #11501823 eとしてeで勤務
16 April, 10:41
Michael Coleman
レベル 8、South Carolina、United States
3 June 2019, 05:53
I never thought coding was possible for me, but, so far, this program has been easy to understand and use. My only request would be to be able to see the best possible solution after getting a solution right, given that there are multiple ways to solve each task.
Anonymous #11501823 eとしてeで勤務
16 April, 10:42