• Igor GorbantingkatUnited Kingdom23 April, 14:44
    Igor Gorban is making attempt 2 to complete the "Rarest bytes " task
  • Anonymous #11477539tingkat23 April, 14:44
    Anonymous #11477539 earned the "One small step" achievement
  • Anonymous #11477539tingkat23 April, 14:44
    Anonymous #11477539 completed the "Amigo is very smart " task on attempt 2
  • Anonymous #11477539tingkat23 April, 14:44
    Anonymous #11477539 is making attempt 2 to complete the "Amigo is very smart " task
  • NoemitingkatMilan23 April, 14:44
    Noemi is making attempt 6 to complete the "Part of a calculator " task
  • Anonymous #11477539tingkat23 April, 14:44
    Anonymous #11477539 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Amigo is very smart " task
  • Anonymous #11388152tingkatNew Kensington23 April, 14:44
    Anonymous #11388152 is making attempt 1 to complete the "User, loser, coder and programmer " task
  • Anonymous #11491158tingkatLamezia Terme23 April, 14:44
    Anonymous #11491158 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Number of days in the year " task
  • Anonymous #11506763tingkatChangji23 April, 14:44
    Anonymous #11506763 started the lesson entitled "虚拟机和第一个命令"
  • NoemitingkatMilan23 April, 14:44
    Noemi is making attempt 5 to complete the "Part of a calculator " task
  • DANNY VILLACREZ CAJAMARCAtingkat23 April, 14:43
    DANNY VILLACREZ CAJAMARCA is making attempt 3 to complete the "2 + 3 = 5" task
  • Anonymous #11506716tingkatLisbon23 April, 14:43
    Anonymous #11506716 is making attempt 3 to complete the "Penso che essere programmatore sia figo" task