• Anonymous #11506425Nível 223 abril, 16:52
    Anonymous #11506425 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Amigo es muy listo" task
  • opportune Nível 2Lubumbashi 23 abril, 16:52
    opportune is making attempt 5 to complete the "Amigo est très ingenioso" task
  • KonradNível 1523 abril, 16:52
    Konrad completed the "Lis to zwierzę" task on attempt 2
  • KonradNível 1523 abril, 16:52
    Konrad is making attempt 2 to complete the "Lis to zwierzę" task
  • MichelaNível 0Munich23 abril, 16:52
    Michela registered on CodeGym
  • Anonymous #11439514Nível 1423 abril, 16:52
    Anonymous #11439514 started the lesson entitled "抽象クラスを使って練習する"
  • Luia FelipeNível 523 abril, 16:51
    Luia Felipe started the lesson entitled "Instalando el JDK"
  • opportune Nível 2Lubumbashi 23 abril, 16:51
    opportune is making attempt 4 to complete the "Amigo est très ingenioso" task
  • kitNível 1China23 abril, 16:51
    kit completed the "找到臭蟲" task on attempt 1
  • kitNível 1China23 abril, 16:51
    kit is making attempt 1 to complete the "找到臭蟲" task
  • KonradNível 1523 abril, 16:51
    Konrad is making attempt 1 to complete the "Lis to zwierzę" task
  • Andre GentschNível 15Germany23 abril, 16:51
    Andre Gentsch completed the "Hühnerfabrik" task on attempt 1