

"Aku arep menehi pitutur marang kowe carane nggabungake senar. Proses gabung utawa gabung senar asring diarani nggunakake tembung cekak 'concatenation'. Penyayang kucing bakal gampang ngelingi: con-Cat-en-Nation. I aku guyon ."

"Aturan kanggo nggabungake strings prasaja. Yen kita 'nambah' (+) string lan liya-liyane, banjur 'soko liya' implicitly diowahi kanggo string liwat toString () cara ."

"Saiki kowe ngomong karo aku?"

"Oke, aku bakal nerangake kanthi cara sing luwih gampang. Yen ditambahake string, angka lan kucing, banjur nomer lan kucing kasebut bakal diowahi dadi string. Iki sawetara conto:"

Kode Kode sing padha
Cat cat = new Cat();
String text = "The cat is " + cat;
Cat cat = new Cat();
String s = cat.toString();
String text = "The cat is " + s;
int a = 5;
String text = "a is " + a;
int a = 5;
String s = Integer.toString(a);
String text = "a is " + s;
int a = 5;
String text = a + "a is ";
int a = 5;
String s = Integer.toString(a);
String text = s + "a is ";
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = "The cat is " + cat + a;
Cat cat = new Cat();
String s1 = cat.toString();
String s2 = Integer.toString(a);
String text = "The cat is " + s1 + s2;
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = a + "The cat is " + cat + a;
Cat cat = new Cat();
String s1 = cat.toString();
String s2 = Integer.toString(a);
String s3 = Integer.toString(a);
String text = s3 + "The cat is " + s1 + s2;
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = cat + a + "The cat is " + cat + a;
Program ora bakal kompilasi!
Operasi tambahan dieksekusi saka kiwa menyang tengen, supaya kita entuk: Yen kita nambah kucing menyang nomer, ora ana konversi senar otomatis.
String text = (((cat + a) + "The cat is ") + cat) + a;
// But you can do this:
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = cat + (a + "The cat is ") + cat + a;

// This is the same as:
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = ((cat + (a + "The cat is ")) + cat)+a;
Cat cat = new Cat();
String s1 = cat.toString();
String s2 = cat.toString();
String s3 = Integer.toString(a);
String s4 = Integer.toString(a);
String text = s1 + s3 + "The cat is " + s2 + s4;

"Wektune wis teka kanggo nindakake sawetara tugas saka Diego."

Sintaksis Jawa,  tingkatwulangan
Printing strings
I foresee a recurring need to print strings in the life of a programmer! To print a string, you have to use a specific method... or write your own that has some special features. This task is different in that our method shouldn't simply display a string. Instead, it should change the string by adding the word "printing".
Sintaksis Jawa,  tingkatwulangan
Time conversion
Hours are few, but seconds are many. Perhaps measuring time in seconds would give the illusion that we have more time than we really do? Anyway, enough philosophizing. Let's work on programming. We need to implement a method that will convert hours to seconds, and then we'll see what this gets us.
Sintaksis Jawa,  tingkatwulangan
Fill a pool with water
Today our task is to fill a pool with water. In doing so, we mustn't drown anyone, but we also don't want to hold back: we'll fill it to the brim! The filling method will take the dimensions of the pool. We will assume that it is a parallelepiped, i.e. it has a well-defined length, width and depth. And the method will return the required amount of water. In liters.
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