


“合併字符串的規則很簡單。如果我們‘添加’(+) 一個字符串和其他東西,那麼‘其他’會通過 toString() 方法隱式轉換為字符串



代碼 等效代碼
Cat cat = new Cat();
String text = "The cat is " + cat;
Cat cat = new Cat();
String s = cat.toString();
String text = "The cat is " + s;
int a = 5;
String text = "a is " + a;
int a = 5;
String s = Integer.toString(a);
String text = "a is " + s;
int a = 5;
String text = a + "a is ";
int a = 5;
String s = Integer.toString(a);
String text = s + "a is ";
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = "The cat is " + cat + a;
Cat cat = new Cat();
String s1 = cat.toString();
String s2 = Integer.toString(a);
String text = "The cat is " + s1 + s2;
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = a + "The cat is " + cat + a;
Cat cat = new Cat();
String s1 = cat.toString();
String s2 = Integer.toString(a);
String s3 = Integer.toString(a);
String text = s3 + "The cat is " + s1 + s2;
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = cat + a + "The cat is " + cat + a;
String text = (((cat + a) + "The cat is ") + cat) + a;
// But you can do this:
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = cat + (a + "The cat is ") + cat + a;

// This is the same as:
Cat cat = new Cat();
int a = 5;
String text = ((cat + (a + "The cat is ")) + cat)+a;
Cat cat = new Cat();
String s1 = cat.toString();
String s2 = cat.toString();
String s3 = Integer.toString(a);
String s4 = Integer.toString(a);
String text = s1 + s3 + "The cat is " + s2 + s4;


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Time conversion
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