"Halo, prajurit!"

"Halo, Kapten Bajing, Pak!"

"Aku duwe kabar apik kanggo sampeyan. Ing ngisor iki sawetara latihan kanggo nguatake katrampilan sampeyan. Digarap saben dina, lan kompetensi sampeyan bakal tuwuh kanthi eksponensial. Iki dirancang khusus kanggo IntelliJ IDEA."

Java Syntax,  tingkatwulangan
Decent pay
Have you received an indecent financial offer? Unsure how to react to the obscenity? Do you call the morality police or simply the police? Immediately file a lawsuit? Calm down: you're learning how to program, so don't get used to indecent offers. Instead, use a loop to display the following phrase 100 times: "I will never work for peanuts. Amigo".