• Anonymous #11499242Nível 2há meio minuto
    Anonymous #11499242 is making attempt 5 to complete the "Lectura y conversión de strings" task
  • Anonymous #11499242Nível 2há 1 minuto
    Anonymous #11499242 is making attempt 4 to complete the "Lectura y conversión de strings" task
  • Anonymous #11505816Nível 4Triunfohá 2 minutos
    Anonymous #11505816 completed the "Setting the number of cats " task on attempt 2
  • Anonymous #11505816Nível 4Triunfohá 2 minutos
    Anonymous #11505816 is making attempt 2 to complete the "Setting the number of cats " task
  • josenar josé franciscoNível 0há 2 minutos
    josenar josé francisco completed the "Sem comentários" task on attempt 1
  • josenar josé franciscoNível 0há 2 minutos
    josenar josé francisco is making attempt 1 to complete the "Sem comentários" task
  • Anonymous #11505816Nível 4Triunfohá 2 minutos
    Anonymous #11505816 is making attempt 1 to complete the "Setting the number of cats " task
  • Anonymous #11502056Nível 0há 3 minutos
    Anonymous #11502056 started the lesson entitled "Ellie, variabel, dan jenis data"
  • Anonymous #11499242Nível 2há 3 minutos
    Anonymous #11499242 is making attempt 3 to complete the "Lectura y conversión de strings" task
  • josenar josé franciscoNível 0há 3 minutos
    josenar josé francisco completed the "Erros e funcionalidades" task on attempt 5
  • josenar josé franciscoNível 0há 3 minutos
    josenar josé francisco is making attempt 5 to complete the "Erros e funcionalidades" task
  • josefaNível 0há 3 minutos
    josefa started the lesson entitled "Ellie, variáveis e tipos de dados"