• Polosaurus等級 4Barcelona少於 20 秒前
    Polosaurus is making attempt 2 to complete the "Rectángulo no relleno" task
  • Polosaurus等級 4Barcelona半分鐘前
    Polosaurus is making attempt 1 to complete the "Rectángulo no relleno" task
  • Anonymous #11505255等級 0少於 1 分鐘前
    Anonymous #11505255 registered on CodeGym
  • Anonymous #11504826等級 0Izmir少於 1 分鐘前
    Anonymous #11504826 is making attempt 4 to complete the "Kind words for the teacher " task
  • Anonymous #11504826等級 0Izmir2 分鐘前
    Anonymous #11504826 is making attempt 3 to complete the "Kind words for the teacher " task
  • hidden #11505252等級 12 分鐘前
    hidden #11505252 earned the "Well begun is half done" achievement
  • hidden #11505252等級 12 分鐘前
    hidden #11505252 unlocked the "New Java Syntax" quest
  • hidden #11505252等級 12 分鐘前
    hidden #11505252 advanced to Level 1
  • hidden #11505252等級 12 分鐘前
    hidden #11505252 registered on CodeGym
  • Kevin Velasquez等級 62 分鐘前
    Kevin Velasquez is making attempt 2 to complete the "Suma" task
  • Luis Angel等級 72 分鐘前
    Luis Angel earned the "Sprint" achievement
  • Luis Angel等級 72 分鐘前
    Luis Angel completed the "Invertir" task on attempt 1